
Sunday, April 23, 2023

Stitching Stuff: Week 15 of 2023

Yesterday was Earth Day.  One of the companies here in town celebrates that by hosting a clean up party where you can dispose of some chemicals (oil based paints, fertilizers, pesticides etc), electronics and old appliances.  I spent my decluttering efforts this week in the garage (old paints and finishes) plus the attic and office (old electronics).  It was nice to remove a carload of items from the house. But boy I've been paying for it, my thighs still haven't forgiven me for the stair steps it took to get the stuff out of the attic. My reward for all the manual labor (and dealing with the spiders) is a nothing but sewing day today.  But before I head towards the sewing room, I should review how last week's stitching efforts went.

  • 15 minute days/week = 7/7 days
  • 15 minute days/April =  21/22 days
  • 15 minute days/2023 =  91/112 days
  • Success rate = 81.25%

My decluttering efforts didn't interfere with my stitching efforts, so it was a good week on both fronts.

I'm still navigating this retirement gig and figuring out what works for me and what doesn't. One long time goal has been to actually join a quilting guild.  I didn't know that there are actually two here in town. The first one I went to met during the day and it just wasn't my cup of tea. Nothing really wrong, but it just didn't make me excited to join.  But the second one I went to was a lot more welcoming and fun, so I've joined that one. There is a retreat next weekend and the cost is 8 donation blocks, 4 with patriotic fabrics for veterans quilts and 4 with children's prints that go to 2 or 3 local charities (I should have taken notes, they went over that really fast).  The patriotic fabrics weren't a problem, but the children's prints aren't something I have a lot of. After a deep, deep dive in the fabric closet, I came up with my four, including this one. 


Note the copyright date.  Definitely vintage stash. Grad Girl would have been 5.  Along with this piece there was a blue print with teal moons and stars along with a pink/purple unicorn print.  I sorta remember buying these fabrics to make her a quilt when I first started making quilts. Obviously it never happened.  She did give me permission to use them elsewhere.

Now that I've joined a guild, I need to make a name tag. If you have any favorite tutorials on that subject, please add the link to your comment. 

So how did your stitching week go? 

1. maggie f
2. Julie in GA
3. Karen
4. Ivani
5. DonnaleeQ
6. Quilting Gail
7. Marti
8. Melisa- Pinker n' Punkin Quilting
9. Deb in Canada
10. Frederique
11. Andre
12. Carol Andrews
13. Amanda

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  1. congrats on joining a guild - fun idea to pay in blocks

  2. Joining a guild was one of my goals for retirement too, although I had to wait awhile to do so because of Covid. I ended up joining two of them--one is a very large group that puts on an excellent quilt show every two years. They also have the finances to bring in many well-known speakers/teachers. However, the size of the group makes it hard to really get to know people well. The other group is much smaller, but very friendly and welcoming. There are advantages to both.
    Congrats on a great week for stitching time, plus doing some decluttering on top of it!

  3. our town does that too but some reason they couldn't start their planned drop off of old appliances, metals & chemicals etc until Monday -Mike is getting the trailer ready of old wire and garbage from the workshop no longer used.

  4. That's great that you've found a guild to join! I would have trouble finding much kid-themed fabric in my stash, too. Is there a specific block you need to make?

  5. Congratulations on finding a guild. I miss going to one. I didn't use a pattern for my name tag, just embroidered my name with my machine, and quilted it and put pin from an old visitor name tag sleeve. Later I saw that a lot of people put their tags on a lanyard and that made it so much easier to wear.

  6. How fun that you found a guild to join. Looks like you had a wonderful stitching time this week. A clean up party sounds perfect for celebrating Earth Day.

  7. Woo Hoo on having a very productive week. That is wonderful. I hope you enjoy the new quilt guild you have joined. Have a great week.

  8. Congrats on all the hard work you did to earn your sewing day, Kate!! Here's hoping you make SEW much stitchy progress!

  9. Hi Kate, I'm glad to hear that you had a successful stitching and decluttering week! It's great to join a group that speaks to you - they are all so different. Have fun at your retreat!

  10. Hi Kate. Sure looks like you had a very productive week! So good to hear you joined a Guild. Hope you have lots of fun and starting off with a retreat is just the ticket! Good job on the destashing/ uncluttering efforts.

  11. When I first started quilting went along to our guild meeting and decided after listening to some of the comments from those around me it just wasnt' for me. Now maybe it has changed it was 20+ years ago maybe when I retire I'll feel the urge to join again.

  12. Glad you found a guild that's a good fit - my mom and I had lots of fun with our guild over the years (although we haven't been active for a while) - hope you find a great group of quilters to pal around with. I am sure I have lots of fabric I bought when the kids were little to make this or that - I used a lot of it when we made preemie quilts for a local hospital, but I am sure there are still several pieces in my stash!


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