
Sunday, January 22, 2023

Stitching Stuff: Week 3 of 2023

It was sunny and 61 F on Tuesday, so I went for a long walk. It was raining and 40 F today, so I stayed in the sewing room most of the day.  I'm really ready for more of the 60 plus temps, but it sounds like we'll have to wait a few more weeks for that.  Till then, it should be easy to get my stitching time in each week. 

My routine seems to be developing again after all the interruptions due to the holiday and then getting sick.  It was another excellent week on the stitching front. 

  • 15 minute days/week = 7/7 days
  • 15 minute days/Jan = 19/21 days
  • 15 minute days/2023 = 19/21 days
  • Success rate = 90.48%

So far so good on finding time to stitch.  

The sewing room needs a lot of attention. My plan when I retired last year was to spend Sunday mornings cleaning, decluttering and organizing my sewing space.  Last weekend was the first Sunday anything along those lines actually happened.  I started my clean up in the southeast corner.  The first order of business was to get a handle on all the scraps. 

I have one drawer, two bags and one small blue bin of scraps that need to be pressed, trimmed and sorted by color.  I got a late start last week, but still managed to empty the little blue bin in front of the two sacks. 

It doesn't look like much, but there's a lot of  2" and 2.5" strips those piles.  All the strips got sorted into the proper box by size and color.

That is a drop in the bucket, but at least the process is started. The plan is to tackle more scraps later this morning.  It may take a few weeks, but it will be nice to empty both sacks. Then I won't have to keep moving those around when I want to get to something else. 

How did your stitching week work out?  Did you stitch, organize, or do something else entirely?   

1. Gretchen
2. Ivani
3. Julie in GA
4. Karen
5. Michelle
6. Colletta's Kitchen Sink
7. Melisa- Pinker n' Punkin Quilting
8. Frederique
9. Susan in TN
10. DonnaleeQ
11. Quilting Gail
12. maggie f
13. Andre at Quilting and Learning
14. Lyndsey
15. Janice
16. Carol Andrews
17. Celine
18. Amanda

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  1. You've made a good start with the scraps! Happy stitching!

  2. Sure you had a great start, having the scraps sorted by color and size. And your sucess rate is inspiring. Have fun, Kate.

  3. You had a great week for stitching time, and getting your scraps under control will feel so good! I desperately need to do some clean-up in my sewing room too.

  4. you made a good start on your organizing it takes a little while after being sick, my sister finally tested negative she had it for a good 10 days and finally symptom free.

  5. Your scrap organization is inspiring. I had mine all pretty at least a year ago, and now they are busting out of the bins. Do you get distracted and want to sew with them while you're sorting them?

  6. I’m trying to figure out what type of bin you use for your scraps. I suspect I keep too many small strings. Over the past few months I’ve been “trying” to use strings more. I’m actually succeeding. Of course, it isn’t even noticeable. Keep up the good work with organizing.

  7. It seems getting started on an organizing is half the battle. So good for you! I spent about 10 days (off am on) reorganizing my sewing room. I’m so much happier with it now.

  8. How wonderful to get to spend some time in the sewing room and getting some organizing completed. I hope you have a wonderful day , Kate

  9. Pretty fabrics, and great organization! Have a great week, Kate, and thank you for the motivation!

  10. Great work on your scraps. That's a job I need to get on with.

  11. My sewing room needs LOTS of attention, but I just haven't been able to make any headway on it. I walk past the mess and just sew.

  12. Good work on getting some of those scraps tamed. Hurray for 7/7 sewing days. 😉

  13. Well done on starting to tame your scraps. I also retired last year. I’ve sorted our home office, which desperately needed it. My sewing room is OK, but I use a spare bedroom as a storage room for my crafting and it is totally out of control. That will be a huge job. You’ve done well with your 15 minutes.

  14. Well done on organising your scraps, it's always such a long process!

  15. You are very organised, my sewing room at the moment is unorganised chaos. I walked in the other day and decided something should be done then walked out. Have a great week hope you continue to feel better.


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