
Saturday, November 5, 2022

Week 46 and 47 Photo Challenge

 We started a family photo challenge back in 2021, it too was a victim of my busy schedule over the summer.  Grad Girl asked when she was home in October if we were going to start it up again, she enjoyed participating.  It was one family thing we could do and not be in the same place.  She's not had the easiest time of it the last few weeks, so this seemed like a good time to pick the challenge back up. 

The last photo challenge post was back in June for week 45. We did pull cards for weeks 46 and 47, but I never posted those photos. 

Week 46

The computer I was using in June has crashed and burned, so I've had to pick through my files to see what I intended to post for that challenge.  

Kate: Bumpy

It's not that great a photo, but I like the texture.  My Guy did much better. 

My Guy: Multigrain

He makes bread pretty much every week. He really could start his own bread blog, but that's not his thing. His photo is definitely cookbook worthy don't you think?  

Week 47

I struggled with this one, till I did some deep cleaning earlier this week (the goal is to have the photo taken before we pull the next one, since we didn't pull one till this morning, I'm good).  

Kate: Restored Anniversary

This is a picture of my grandparents at their 40th wedding celebration.  I'm pretty sure my grandfather was over 65, but I know grandma wasn't.  This is a photo of the original which was in pretty bad shape. Photoshop was required to remove some stains and restore the colors.  I think this is the last photo we have of my grandfather before he passed.  

My Guy had to get creative to find a subject for his shot. 

My Guy: Landscape Viewer

We went to Crystal Bridges art museum in Rogers, AR during vacation in July. He snapped this image in one of the galleries. We don't know the women in the photograph, so we are not sure of her age, but we are going to call it good (which is the advantage of making our own rules).  

Grad Girl didn't play along with this one either. I think she'll have lots of subject matter for this week's challenge.  

It will be interesting to see what we all come up with. 


  1. I enjoyed this post very much. And yes, your guy should definitely start a food blog. I would read it what with my abiding love of seeing what folks cook and eat, LOL. Lovely photo of the grandparents.

  2. So glad to see the photos again!!!
    So much funto see the 3 different perspectives of the same topic!

  3. Fun to see you back with your photo challenge again! What is your top photo of? I was guessing olives floating in soup at first, lol! But I know it's got to be more of a mosaic type of thing. Your guy makes yummy looking bread!

  4. Just yesterday I was wondering whatever happened to your photo challenge. Always fun to see.

  5. Yay, I love the photo challenge, and I can almost smell that bread, yum!


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