
Tuesday, October 4, 2022

To Do Tuesday for the week of 10/4/22

It was a good week on the stitching front. It's been a long time since I've had one of those. my To Do List wasn't very challenging, but it did help get me back into the sewing room this week. 

To Do List for 9/27/22

1. Finish 2 Grocery Sacks ✔

2. Pull fabrics for Melodic Mystery 

3. Finish backing for Unity - progress

Two completed with progress on the third is a really good week. Especially for my first To Do List in almost three months. So what's the plan for this week?

To Do List for 10/3/2022

1. Finish the grocery sacks

This one just needs the outside and inside stitched together at the top and the top stitching completed. The handles for the second bag still need to be top stitched. 

2. Start on Melodic Mystery Clue 1

My rule for mystery quilt alongs is that the fabric has to come from the stash. Usually I try to use up older fabrics and left overs.  The background is a very deep burgundy.  I'm still waffling a bit on fabric A, I'd really prefer a very light pink, but I don't have one in my stash.  Clue 1 uses fabric A, so I need to nail that down before I can get started.  

3. Work on backing for Unity 

The backing fabric still needs to be pressed. I made a start on that last night. Hopefully I'll finish that tonight so I can cut the panels and strip that I need.  

That's my list for this week.  I'm keeping it simple.  My goal is to get back into the sewing room and make a bit a of progress. Linking up with Texas Quilt Girl for To Do Tuesday.  Good luck with your to do list this week.  


  1. I'm sure your sewing room is happy that you are back to your sewing and fabric love, but I am also glad you are back. I always enjoy seeing what you are up to. Do I remember that you and your husband and daughter were doing photograph challenges together? Is that finished?

  2. Your shopping bag is pretty, I like that fabric. Looks like Unity is going to have a pretty backing. I'm pressing the backing for a quilt today too! Thank you for joining us at To Do Tuesday!

  3. I hope that you have another good week and enjoy your time working on these goals!

  4. A simple to-do list is always the way to go! That's another pretty grocery bag, and also fun to see your pull for the mystery. Love the pink and green floral!

  5. I'm sure that getting back to sewing is feeling good for you. Your fabric choices for the mystery should work well, although a light pink would be good instead of the white if you go that direction. I love a good mystery, but have made myself promise to finish up some WIP and UFO projects first.

  6. The blue grocery bag is beautiful and super useful.
    Good luck with your list for this week.

  7. Every step forward is a good one. Even small steps add up.
    Mystery quilts fabric pulls can be a bit of a quandry. I have been pleased with some and disappointed in others. Usually it's the choice of color and not enough contrast.

  8. Ooh, I also meant to work on the Melodic Mystery. Thanks for the reminder.


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