
Tuesday, October 18, 2022

To Do Tuesday for the Week of 10/18/2022

Stitching time was a bit limited last week, but luckily the To Do List was pretty easy. 

To Do List for 10/11/2022

1. Unity: Finish assembling backing ✔
2. Macaron Mystery: Continue adding borders 
3. Melodic Mystery: Cut fabrics, start on clues 1 and 2 

Three out of three is a good week. My goal for the rest of the year is to just make progress on a few active projects.  No pressure, no firm deadlines.  As long as things are progressing, I'm going to be happy.  

The list this week is longer, but still focused on making progress on the projects, no pressure to get to a certain stage on any of them. 

To Do List for 10/18/2022

1. Unity: Press and prep backing for quilting. 

I need to vacuum the sewing room good so I don't pick up any stray threads during the clean up process.  That won't happen till this weekend.  

2. Mosaic Mystery: Continue adding borders

Turns out the first border was completed, I just haven't photographed the project since it was added.  Unfortunately, I forget to photograph the top before I pinned on the next border strip. 

3. Melodic Mystery: Continue working on clue 1 and 2

I really like this color combination. This is going to be a fun project to work on.  

4. Grocery sack: Continue assembly.

Turns out 2 grocery sacks isn't enough for the amount of groceries My Guy brings home each week. So he put in a request for a third sack.  I used up most of the science fabric, so I pulled out this wildflower print that's been in the stash forever along with this green.  This shouldn't take long to finish.  

5. Rhododendron Mystery: Assemble units and blocks as leaders and enders.

Tackling this as a leader and ender project will help move it along. I won't finish it before this year's Bonnie Hunter Mystery kicks off, but it will at least be farther along.  

So that's the plan for this week. We have no plans for the weekend, so I should be able to make some progress on every item.  If not that's OK. 

Linking up with Texas Quilt Gal for To Do Tuesday.  


  1. I like those colors you're using on Melodic Mystery, and that is pretty fabric for the grocery sack. Thank you for sharing with To Do Tuesday!

  2. Just making progress on a few projects with no pressure is a good way to think of it - that's where I am, too. The wildflower print looks perfect for the grocery sack - fun for carrying home the groceries! Have a great week, what ever you sew on, Kate!

  3. Looks like lots of forward progress to me! Your mention of vacuuming reminds me that needs to happen in my sewing room too. I'll have to get my husband to take the vacuum downstairs for me.

  4. I like your philosophy of general plans to work on and no hard and fast deadlines. It's much better that way. However that said, you seem to be making great progress on all of your goals. I laughed at the floral fabric... I used a lot of it for a backing on a quilt... I wonder if I have any left or not??? Have a great week and a super quilty weekend.

  5. You are moving things along, so that's always good! I hope you enjoy a lovely weekend full of sewing!

  6. Sounds like you have a great philosophy for the rest of the year, and I hope that you have a good week and wonderful restorative weekend.

  7. Progress is always great, right? All your projects are moving along well.
    Good luck with your list for this week

  8. you're definitely moving forward - better than going backward or even standing still.

  9. I loving seeing your works in progress, watching the quilts come together step by step.

  10. One step at the time, making progress is sometimes just stitching a seam, and it's great! You did a lot, and on various projects. Well done!

  11. I had some of that wildflower fabric too! Mine went into a quilt for a friend from TX, thought it was appropriate with the bluebonnets.


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