
Sunday, October 16, 2022

Stitching Stuff: Week 40 of 2022

I'm a little late posting this week.  Seasonal allergies have really taken a toll on my get up and go this week.  I went to bed early last night and slept late this morning.  Unfortunately I'll struggle on this front till we get our first freeze.  Just feeling crappy affected my stitching time this week. 

  • 15 minute days/week = 4/7 days
  • 15 minute days/Oct = 10/15 days
  • 15 minute days/2022 = 150/288
  • Success rate = 52.08%
So not the best week on the stitching front. We got our flu shots this week and decided to get the new Covid booster at the same time. By the next evening I had a nasty headache and chills. So that didn't help my stitching efforts either as I went straight to bed when we got home from work.  The flu is predicted to be bad this year and there are new Covid variants that can evade most of the antiviral treatments. The vaccines don't ensure you can't get get either, but I know from experience with the flu shot, it does help lessen the severity if you do catch it.  

On the fun news front, Grad Girl decided she needed a roommate after all. 

Meet Queenie (because she walked out of the pet crate into the apartment like she ruled all she could see).  

She's mastered her role as an embroidery support cat.  Grad Girl is still teaching her not to jump onto the dining room table and to not chew on the electrical cords.  GG has a set of cord protectors coming on Monday.

Did you have a good week or a so so week on the stitching front?  Please link up and share below. 

1. Ivani
2. Julie in GA
3. Gretchen
4. katie z.
5. Frederique
6. DonnaleeQ
7. maggie f
8. Andre
9. Amanda
10. Quilting Gail

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  1. You are right vacinesdoes help lessen the severity if you do catch the virus. Glad to hear you are protected. Owo lovely Queenie, looks like she feels very confortable and protected keeping Grad Girl company.
    Happy stitching week, Kate.

  2. Sounds like you got the a double whammy (or maybe it would be triple!) this week with allergies and the two vaccines! I had a similar reaction after getting both the Covid and flu shots at the same time a couple weeks ago. It's good to get that done, though, and hope you're feeling better today. Looks like a sweet new roommate for Grad Girl!

  3. Stay warm and cozy, two shots plus allergy must be exhausted. But at least you are protected from viruses. Cute Queenie ;)

  4. Hi Kate, I didn't know that you were back :-) I'm so happy, even if you've been feeling Yuk! I've been going crazy with my quilting and my work. I only have one and a half weeks to go...and then I can go crazy just on my quilting! I'm so looking forward to sleeping in. Take care of yourself.

  5. Tell me about the allergies. I've fighting off my 3rd sinus infection and the dog has been battling her spring ear infection for over a month now (she gets them spring and autumn so all allergy related) We are due for another booster but we are waiting till we can get the new covid combined one which is hard to get atm. We have come off lightly with side affects for the vaccine so far but I'm sure we won't be so lucky next time.
    The cat is a good idea pets are great stress relievers and they will always keep the loneliness away. I'm pretty sure Maestro wants a dog when he find a house but he works too many hours so I am hoping he waits a bit.

  6. Aw, what a sweet kitty. A purrfect roommate.

  7. Hope you are feeling better. We had a hard freeze (and even snow in some places!) this week, so allergies should calm down here now. Queenie is a cutie, I am sure she will be a good companion for your daughter. My week was great, we had our quilt retreat last week and I got three tops done - yippee! Now to get them in the queue for quilting, which is where I always seem to stall…


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