
Tuesday, March 29, 2022

To Do Tuesday for the Week of March 29, 2022

This is my 115th (ish) weekly To Do List. I'm not a list person, or at least I didn't think I was. What started off as an experiment over 2 years ago has become just how I organize my sewing week. Have I finished more projects? Probably not, but I feel more productive. That has to count for something, right? 

Last week's list was pretty short.  

To Do List for 3/22/2022
  • Unity: Fix puffy areas, start on next border ✔
  • Macaron Mystery: Make blocks ✔
  • Rhododendron Mystery: Hourglass blocks as leaders/enders ✔

Three for three is a good week.  I'm keeping it simple for this week too. 

To Do List for 3/29/2022

Unity:  Add final border

The green border strips are under assembly at the sewing machine.  Unity should be a finished quilt top by the end of the weekend.  

Macaron Mystery: Make last Block B, cut setting triangles

Just one last block to make and then I can start on assembly. Before I can get to that I need to cut out the setting triangles and sashing strips. How quickly the border goes onto Unity will dictate how much progress I make on this project.  

Rhododendron Mystery:  Work on Clue 5, hourglass blocks as leaders and enders

 I decided to work through the clues rather than just make one block at a time.  All the pieced HSTs for block A (clue 3) are finished.  Clue 4 is the hourglass blocks, which I'm working on as my leaders and enders stitching.  I'm going to start on clue 5 this week.  I skipped clue 2 which is the flying geese for the border.  I'll pick those up once I've finished all the blocks.  

Those are my to do's for this week. I'm linking up with Linda, the Texas Quilt Gal for another To Do Tuesday.  


  1. It was a great week Kate!!!
    I do feel more confortable with less goals as it is easy seeing The progress on them.
    Good Lucky this week.

  2. I used to be such a list person now not so much and work on what I wish to when I wish to. I hope your husband is now recovered from his accident earlier in the month

  3. I keep telling myself that progress is good. You have certainly made progress. Have a good week.

  4. I think it helps to have a focus for the week, and you always seem very focused! Unity is almost there, and sounds like your Macaron mystery is in a really good place, too. Have a great week, Kate!

  5. Looks like you've got things moving along. I am a list person for sure. I need to see it all down on paper or I just don't feel organized. And I love checking things off! LOL

  6. When I worked in an office, I kept a good list going and it helped me so much. Now when I start a list I forget it even exists, so the TDT goals help me too. I'm looking forward to seeing Unity!
    Thanks for linking up with To Do Tuesday. :)

  7. Sounds like you have a good plan and it looks like you might have another quilt top finished next month, too!

  8. I find it very satisfying to have a written list so I can scratch things off. You are doing well with your projects!

  9. I find to do lists help me keep on track. I'm more likely to check what else I want to do based on the list rather than go rogue and start another quilt... usually. Great job on last week's list. May you be working your way through this week's list.

  10. Yes I find a to do list is really helpful even if we do not stick to it. Sometimes at the end of the day I like to add anything I've done as well. Makes it look even better! Looking forward to seeing finished tops. Mystery quilts are fun.

  11. Kate everything looks so good. Congrats on a productive week. I totally drawn to your red, white, and black blocks! Love everything!

  12. I love lists, but found when I make too many for my crafting that it causes unnecessary stress…unless it is a list of things I’ve accomplished, so that’s where I focus these days. Maybe it will change again once the kids are out of the house….or maybe I will be just as busy then 😂


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