
Tuesday, March 1, 2022

To Do Tuesday for the Week of 03/01/2022

I'm glad to see the back end of February, but my hope for a smoother March has pretty much been dashed. Work is going to be interesting this month.  Hopefully I'll still be able to work in lots of sanity stitching time, I'm going to need it.  

It is Tuesday, so it's time to review last week's To Do List and make up a new one for this week. Thanks to Linda of Texas Quilt Gal who hosts To Do Tuesday for keeping us all motivated and working to check off those items on our lists.  I checked off my list for last week. 

To Do List for 2/22/2022

  • Potions: Add sashing, assemble quilt ✔
  • Cabins and Fans: Finishing binding ✔
  • Macaron Mystery: Work on Jan and Feb clues ✔
  • Rhododendron Mystery: Work on Blocks A and B ✔
  • Unity: Make flying geese as leaders and enders ✔

It was a good week on the stitching front.  I still need to get photos of Cabins and Fans so I can post about that finish. Still it feels good to have the one finished and ready to go for May.  

This week's list will be pretty much the same as last week's list, minus Cabins and Fans.    

To Do List for 3/1/2022

Potions:  Finish borders, backing and start prep for quilting

This is the backing fabric for Potions. It's Science Fair 3 Beakers Bright Ideas from Kaufman. It would be hard to find a more fun backing fabric for this project. 

Macaron Mystery: Continue to work Jan and Feb Clues

Macaron Mystery: Pattern by Meadow Mist Designs

I've finished all the A blocks and have started assembling the B blocks. These go together pretty quickly, so this project should move ahead quickly once Potions is out for quilting. 

Rhododendron Mystery: Work on blocks

Rhododendron Mystery: Bonnie Hunter 2021 Mystery Quilt Along

It takes a bit to make enough of those hour glass pieces for a complete block B. These blocks are slowly coming together. I need to mock up this quilt and see if I want to do the setting triangle versions of the full block or if I'm going to wimp out and just go with simple white triangles.

Unity: Make flying geese as leaders and enders. 

Unity: Bonnie Hunter Stay at Home Quilt Along

Just three more star blocks needed to finish off the last pieced border.  I've got enough pieces to sew together a star block, so that just leaves 8 more flying geese to piece to finish the border. I'm probably going to need a new leaders and enders project before the end of the month.  

That's my list for this week.  Good luck with your to do list for this week.  Fingers crossed we all get a good taste of spring this week and no more winter weather!  


  1. the backing could have been a whole cloth kit and quilt around all the little pieces :)

  2. OMG, there couldn't be a more perfect back for Potions!

  3. That really is the perfect backing for Potions! So glad you got through your whole list last week, and hope your March isn't too crazy. It's definitely feeling spring here in Colorado this week!

  4. Oh my gosh the backing for Potions is amazing! I can't wait to see Cabins and Fans. You did great on your list. I hope you get your wish for spring. We are having spring-like weather until later in the weekend when it will get cold again.
    Thank you for linking up with To Do Tuedsay!

  5. You couldn't have chosen a more perfect backing for Potions. It's as if you had it printed just for that quilt. And I love, love that Macaron block!

  6. I love your Cabins and Fans, will you be selling a pattern? Sharon

  7. Hi Kate! Ahh nuts to having your hopes dashed on the very first day of the month for having a better March than February. WOW. I am sorry about that. Sewing will just have to be your balm and sanity for the next few weeks. PERFECT backing for Potions. Woohoo for getting it to the last borders and assembly stage! And binding finished for Cabin - double woot woot. Great job! {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  8. What an absolutely perfect backing!!!!!!!!


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