
Sunday, March 27, 2022

Stitching Stuff: Week 13 of 2022

The temperatures have finally warmed up after a week of the cold and wet.  The flowering trees are starting to bloom, the rose bushes are showing their new leaves.  All that means my allergies are back too. The last week of March and the first couple weeks of April are always the worst. Even so, I'm glad for the warm up. I'm ready for a bit of spring, even if it means I'm a prisoner to the indoors.

It's Sunday, so it's time to review how well we did at finding time to stitch this week. 


Getting into the sewing room wasn't so hard this week. 


  • 15 minute days/week = 6/7 days
  • 15 minute days/March = 20/26 days
  • 15 minute days/2022 = 77/85 days
  • Success rate = 90.59%

The one day I missed was due to a sinus headache that showed up at dinner. By the time we got home, the only thing I could do was just go to bed. I've sewn at least 90% of the days this year. That's a lot better than last year's sewing effort. April is going to be rough, work is still nuts.  Hopefully I can work in just 15 minutes most days, I'm going to need the sanity break.   

How was your stitchy week?  


1. maggie f
2. Julie in GA
3. Ivani
4. Melissa G
5. DonnaleeQ
6. Sherrie
7. Andre at Quilting and Learning
8. Meloney
9. Shasta @ High Road
10. Quilting Gail
11. DawnyK

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  1. Sorry your allergies don't let you enjoy Spring outside. Well, this means you will be stitching and stitchig during the season, and this absolutely is not all bad, right?
    But sinus headache is not fun. Be well soon.

  2. Hope those allergies don't continue to sideline the fun stuff. My stitching week was great on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday. Wednesday and Thursday were total busts. But I can deal with that just fine. Being semi-retired is better than not at all.

  3. Hi Kate, sanity breaks they are. I'm glad that it was a relatively sane week :-) Good luck and take care.

  4. Oh gosh! My allergies have hit me hard too. And one of the dogs is also suffering. Hopefully we will all get over it soon! Glad you got some time stitching this week. Can't wait to see your Unity top all assembled. Happy Stitching!!!


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