
Tuesday, February 22, 2022

To Do Tuesday for the Week of 2/22/2022

February has apparently become the whiplash month for weather.  The high yesterday was in the 70's, today we won't hit 40 F. Tomorrow we have a winter weather advisory the runs into Thursday.  I'm ready for spring already! 

Moving right along.  It's Tuesday, time to link up with Linda of Texas Quilt Gal for To Do Tuesday.  I checked off most of the items on last week's To Do List. 

To Do List for 2/15/2022
  • Potions: Assemble rows
  • Cabins and Fans: Finish stitching down binding - progress
  • Macaron Mystery: Work on January and February clues 
  • Rhododendron Mystery: Work on blocks A and B 
  • Unity: Make flying geese as leaders and enders 

Four check marks out of a possible five isn't a bad week at all. Assembling the rows for Potions took a lot of my stitching time, so there wasn't as much progress on the other projects this week.  That will probably be the case till Potions goes out for quilting.  

So what's on this week's list? Pretty much what was on last week's list. 

To Do List for 2/22/2022

Potions:  Add background sashing strips, assemble quilt top

Two of the background sashing strips have already been added.  Just 4 left to stitch on, then I can start sewing the quilt top together.  

Cabins and Fans: Finish stitching on the binding.

I worked so hard on Potions, that I didn't quite finish the binding. Just one more corner left to turn and this will be a finished quilt.  That should definitely happen this week.  

Macaron Mystery:  Continue working on Jan and Feb clues

I finished all the block A's this weekend.  Now I can start working on the block B's.  I'm really looking forward to seeing this quilt come together. I'm really happy with my fabric choices for this one. 

Rhododendron Mystery:  Work on blocks A and B

It takes a bit of stitching to make enough hourglass subunits to make a block B.  I'm focusing on those right now as they will take longer than the components for block A.  

Unity: Make flying geese as leaders and enders

One more block on the design wall since last week. It's been slow, but steady progress so far this year.  I'm looking forward to finishing this project.  

That's my list for the week.  Good luck with your to do list.  


  1. What a great week! You have been meeting your goals on "Potions" and still making progress on all your other projects. I call that a win!

  2. weather is the same over here to your east - up and down - you think spring is coming then it isn't - amazed you are able to get done with what you do considering your long hours at work

  3. Sure it was a great week, Kate.

  4. OOOO - those Macaron blocks are really pretty! Stay warm!

    We had nearly 60 degrees on Sunday morning. It's -5 degrees this morning with a negative 30 degree wind chill. Whiplash is a perfect description!

  5. Hi Kate! We had some crazy weather here, too. Not quite the span that you had though. Portions is really coming along! It won't be long and you'll be sending it out for quilting. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  6. Your weather sounds like here in north Texas. It was 77 yesterday, it is currently 34, down from 57 this morning when we got up. Tomorrow a winter storm is scheduled. My guess is we'll be back up in the 70s next week - lol!
    Wow Potions is really looking good! I'm excited about your Cabins and Fans and can't wait for your reveal.
    Thank you for linking up with To Do Tuesday!

  7. I'm sure you sent that weather to the Mid-Atlantic. 73 yesterday and 45 as a high and rain today. Yuck. I really like your potions. Curious -- is the background light blue with a dark blue or light purple and dark purple? Or something entirely different! I hope you are coming closer to finishing Unity. I know you've been at it a while. Hope you are as successful this week as last weeks.


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