
Monday, February 14, 2022

Brewing Potions

Happy Valentine's Day!  

One of the restaurants in town offered a special Valentine's dinner for two. That sounded good. So we'll pick that up on our way home from work tonight. A nice, quiet dinner, at home works for both of us. Hope you have a wonderful holiday with your Valentine.   

It was a three day weekend for me. I spent Friday morning running errands, but the afternoon was reserved for working on Potions.  The flasks are all finished and the "shelves" are pieced too. 

Potions: Pattern from Flying Parrots Quilts

I still need to cut and piece the background strips that go at the top of each row of glassware. The blocks also need to be sewn into rows. That's on the agenda for this week.  I'm actually just a little bit ahead of schedule.  The plan is to have this ready for quilting by the end of March.  

Linking up with Monday Making and Design Wall Monday


  1. Fabulous you are ahead of schedule with your lovely Potions quilt. Your Valentine's dinner sounds rather lovely. Happy Valentine's to you.

  2. Congratulations on getting ahead on your schedule for Potions. It is looking fantastic!

  3. The quilt is looking great. Enjoy your quiet Valentine’s Day.

  4. I love watching this quilt expand and become those shelves of beakers and test tubes. Congrats on being a head of your plan.

  5. This quilt is such a hoot - and the recipient will LOVE it. What a fun quilt to hang on the office wall for a scientist. Enjoy your quiet dinner for two tonight! My plan is to have lunch with 3 girlfriends today. My husband is one of those people who sometimes gets me flowers - and sometimes doesn't even remember birthdays, anniversaries, or Valentine's Day. And I've given up getting him things unless it's sports themed. LOL

  6. Wonderful quilt. I've enjoyed watching your steady progress.

  7. Hi,
    Awesome idea for a quilt. I like it!
    Have a great day!

  8. This is such a cool quilt! Wow, ahead? I don't think that's in my vocabulary. Happy Valentines

  9. Happy Valentine's Day. Takeout dinner sounds great. Your potions looks wonderful.

  10. Hi Kate, your Potions quilt is really coming along. How wonderful :-) I took Monday off to play - I FMQ almost all day - it was awesome! I really needed the extra break...well, I had better get to work. Have a great week!


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