
Tuesday, January 11, 2022

To Do Tuesday for the Week of 01/11/2022

It's been cold and windy, but sunny the last few days.  We've only had the really cold weather for about two weeks now and yet I'm already hoping for an early spring. The cold weather does make it easy to just hang out in the sewing room, which helps with checking off the items on last week's To Do List. 

To Do List for Week of 01/04/2022

  • Potions: Make 8 test tube blocks
  • Rhododendron Mystery: Work on clues 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 
  • Macaron Mystery: Work on the January clue 
  • Unity: Make flying geese for step 8 

So 4 for 4 this week.  My focus has been and will continue to be the Potions quilt as it has a hard deadline.  But I'm still making a bit of progress on the other three projects. I'm hoping to have more stitching time this next weekend. Here's the list for this week. 

To Do List for Week of 01/11/2022

Potions: Finish making the test tube blocks

Potions: pattern by Flying Parrots Quilts

Only seven blocks left to make.  So this project is on schedule.  

Rhododendron Mystery: Work on clues 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8

Rhododendron Mystery: Bonnie Hunter 2021 Mystery Quilt Along

My lack of stitching time in December has caught up with me. I'm way behind on all the clues, so I didn't have enough hour glass blocks to make even one of the alternate blocks.  Finishing Potions has to take priority, so I'll just keep doing what I can on this one.  

Macaron Mystery: Work on the January clue

Macaron Mystery: Meadow Mist Designs 2021 Mystery Quilt Along

I didn't get much done on this month's clue, but did at least make a start on it.  There is only one clue a month for this mystery, which makes it a lot easier to keep up with.  Hopefully I can do enough to stay caught up on this one. 

Unity: Make flying geese for step 8 as leaders and enders

Unity: Bonnie Hunter Stay at Home Quilt Along


The top border is assembled, but I've not taken the time to pin it to the rest of the quilt and stitch it on.  That will probably happen this week. But in the mean time, I'm still making those flying geese and stitching up the odd block when I have enough pieces made.  Progress has been slow, but I'm OK with that.  

So that's my list for this week. Linking up with Linda over at Texas Quilt Gal for To Do Tuesday.  Good luck on your list this week.  


  1. Hooray for you! Great progress! Thanks for reminding me to check out the BH clue. We are traveling, and I forgot all about it. Off I go to download the clue.

  2. I like your approach--focus on one main project, and squeeze in a little work on the others when you can. That keeps them all moving forward!

  3. Baby steps forward are OK. It's probably smart to focus on the one project with a tight deadline. I love that purple you are using in Rhododendron Trail. So far I've saved and printed the clues for that but haven't made any of the units.

  4. Decent enough progress for sure. Every little bit is a step closer! Good luck with the week!

  5. Lots of great fabric play in your sewing life! Best wishes for smooth piecing on the deadline Potions quilt.

  6. Will follow your Rhododendron Mystery journey with interest. Love the colours you have for it.

  7. Those test tube blocks are just great! That will be a really fun gift. You've been really faithful to the Unity quilt, and little by little it is getting closer to a finished quilt top! Have a great week, Kate!

  8. Sorry for being absent Kate. I have been daily sewing and plan to join again. I will get my numbers in my computer and try to get a post out this week.

    How are YOu?

    It has been so long that I will have to scroll over your current projects to check out their history.

  9. I just think your test tube blocks are so cute. Love, love Unity blocks. I think I must be in love with those colors.
    Thank you for linking your post to To Do Tuesday! :)

  10. Hi Kate! I'm so glad to see the Potions is on schedule and on track. Those test tubes blocks are coming along nicely. Congrats on going four for four last week. I, too, am already hoping for a very early spring. Winter's barely started in earnest but I am over it. Ugg. Enjoy your weekend. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  11. You are making great progress on so many projects!


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