
Thursday, December 2, 2021

December One Monthly Goal

I didn't quite finish my November One Monthly Goal.  That goal was to prep and send out Cabins and Fans for quilting. The prep work got done, but during the packaging process I realized that the right sized batting wasn't in my stash. So I had to order some. That came on Tuesday, but I was at work so there wasn't time to get the project shipped out in time to meet the end of the month deadline.  That's OK that will happen tomorrow.  

So that leaves me to contemplate what's my December One Monthly Goal? 

The first half of December is going to be really busy. I have a business trip and a family trip that's going to take up all of next week.  But after that I just have one more week of work before I'm on vacation till the new year.  Christmas week is always busy with lots of odds and ends, but I should have lots of stitching time the last week of the month.  

Looking over what's on the to do list for next year, I have two graduation quilts to finish for the Scientist in Training's college mentors before May of 2022.  Cabins and Fans is going to the teacher that the SIT was the teaching assistant for. This teacher has been a great cheer leader for the SIT for most of her college time. That quilt will just need to be labeled and bound. That's definitely doable before May of next year.  

The second quilt is going to the SIT's undergraduate research advisor.  He took a chance on a first semester freshman and gave her the opportunity to find out if research suited her or not.  I have the pattern and the fabric pulled, but if I don't get started on it soon, it won't be finished by May. 

The pattern is Potions by Flying Parrot Quilts.  The blocks look a bit complicated, but I don't think they will be too bad. I do need to get started on those to make a May deadline  So that's my goal for December, to make a few Potion blocks before the end of the month.  

Linking up with Elm Street Quilts for the December One Monthly Goal.  


  1. sounds like you are very busy- I want to finish two tops yet this year - one is possible the other depends on if I get my fabric that I ordered last month that I am still waiting for!!

  2. I've made those potion blocks, and they aren't difficult at all! I used them in conjunction with other patterns and a panel of the periodic table to make a quilt for my then-11-year-old science-crazy grandson. That reminds me, I must make a post about it on my blog. I love your blog and my new year's resolution to track my sewing, and do your 15-minutes-a-day!

  3. What a great quilt pattern! And I absolutely cannot believe the SIT is graduating next year. I remember when she was kiddo. Makes me feel old. And good for her!

  4. Best of luck on finishing up those quilts in time for graduation, Kate!!

  5. Hope that things are close to quieting down for you Kate - love the potions quilt and look forward to seeing it in your fabrics!


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