
Friday, December 31, 2021

December One Monthly Goal: Making Potions

As seems to be typical this year, my one monthly goal was met the last day of the month. I'll be linking up with Elm Street Quilts for December's One Monthly Goal Finish.  

The goal for December was to make a start on a gift quilt for next May.  I've had the pattern and fabric picked out for several months, but just hadn't found time to get started on it.  I hadn't even read the pattern yet, other then the fabric requirements on the back.  So I opened the pattern book and got started on step 1, cutting the fabric for a set of fabric test tubes. 

The "potions" contained in all the fabric glassware is coming from scraps.  There will be yellow, green, blue and purple potions.  My first potion is orange.


Potions, Pattern by Flying Parrot Quilts

I didn't quite get my seem allowances right in this first block, I'll need to rework it just a bit to get the bottom just right. There's always a learning curve with the first block.  

I've got a ways to go on getting this one all pieced and assembled.  I really need to have that all done by the end of March to allow time for quilting and binding in April, so it's ready in May. But for now at least it's been started.  

Have a very Happy New Year.  My plan is to end this year and start next year at the sewing machine.  


  1. Congratulations on making a start on this project. Ending 2021 and starting 2022 at the sewing machine sounds like a great idea! I think I'll do the same. Happy New Year!

  2. Good luck on OMG I tried one year and found it wasn't for me, I kept going on doing what struck me at the moment as I felt setting the goal was confining me too much and then not enjoying the project

  3. You’re off to a good start! It’s going to be fun watching this come together. Happy New Year!

  4. I'm planning to end the year at the sewing machine too. Plus it's snowing and blowing this morning so seems like a good plan. But we have tickets to college basketball for tomorrow afternoon so may have to plan my New Years sewing for Sunday.

  5. That's going to be such a fun quilt, and perfect for a graduation gift - for your SIT maybe? :) I'll enjoy seeing this one progress.

  6. Hooray for the start. I think it's going to be a fun quilt to sew together!

  7. its going to be such a great quilt!

  8. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and Happy New Year.

  9. I am really going to enjoy watching you make this one - it is such a cool pattern!


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