
Tuesday, November 2, 2021

To Do Tuesday for the Week of 11/2/2021

It's been a busy two weeks, unfortunately the sewing room has been mostly empty during that time.  So there was no point in posting last week as I'd made no progress on the To Do List from 10/19.  It wasn't till this last weekend that there was any progress on that To Do List. 

To Do List for 10/19/2021
  • Cabins and Fans: Decide dimensions and layout of backing
  • Macaron Mystery: Make HSTs for step 3 
  • Unity: Make flying geese for step 8 

It just took me two weeks to get that far. Actually the backing got made for Cabins and Fans so there was a bit more progress than what was on the list. So what goes on this week's list?  Things are still crazy at work, so I'm going to keep it simple for this week.  

To Do List for 11/02/2021

Cabins and Fans: Prep quilt back for quilting

The backing needs a good pressing and there are a few stray threads it picked up from being drug across the floor in the sewing room. (A good vacuumming of the sewing room is necessary before starting this step).

Macaron Mystery: Work on flying geese for step 4. 

September's clue was finished off yesterday.  Step 4 was the October clue, the November clue comes out Thursday.  I've just gotten started on the flying geese. Hopefully I can knock those out in a couple of weeks then make a good start on this month's clue.  

Unity: Make Step 8 flying geese as leaders and enders 

Just two borders are left on this Bonnie Hunter Mystery.  The 2021 BH mystery, Rhododendren Trail, starts up this month. I'd like to get all the piecing done on this project before then. Not sure that's doable, but I won't know if I don't give it a try.   

I'm hoping November is less hectic than October was.  The goal at this point is to just keep projects moving.  It would be awesome if Unity was ready to go out for quilting by the end of the year. But if it's not that's OK. Any progress over the next couple of months will set me up for more finishes next year.   

Linking up with Texas Quilt Gal for To Do Tuesday


  1. I can never seem to plan ahead in order to do leaders and enders.
    I have a few stray threads myself in the sewing room - lol!
    Thanks for joining in with To Do Tuesday! :)

  2. My sewing room needs a good vacuuming, too! I only notice when I need to lay something on the floor like you! I'm excited that you are to the backing stage for Cabins and Fans. Every little bit counts!

  3. I'm intrigued by the colors for the BH mystery this year. Very spring-y! I'll save and print the clues, but haven't decided yet if I will sew along.

  4. Any progress is progress and keeps the projects going. Looks like this week you have a ga lot of flying geese to sew. Good luck witj your goals. Have a great week, Kate.

  5. Always good when another step gets crossed off the list. Your self-designed quilt looks terrific. I now have 8 quilt tops in the quilting queue—but some have been finished for years!!

  6. I am planning to gather the clues for 2021, but not start the color plan until I get more of a feel for the interaction of the pairings for the block units. Not that it will tell me much. LOL! Good luck on your weekly list!

  7. Hi Kate! Gosh, I love that fabric for Macaron flying geese - that black/white print is cool. Good luck with your goals this week. {{Hugs}} Sorry work is so nuts! November has to be better than October - at least there's a day off in the very near future. Take care! ~smile~ Roseanne


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