
Tuesday, September 7, 2021

To Do Tuesday for 9/7/2021

We had a nice visit with the family this weekend.  Thankfully everyone is healthy.  We celebrated 3 birthdays, so it was a fun weekend.  Between work and the family time, there wasn't a lot of stitching time last week, but there are still a few check marks on last week's list.

To Do List For Week of 8/31/2021

  • Cabins and Fans: Sew halve together, start borders - progress
  • Scrappy Butterflies: Continue making Irish Chain blocks
  • Unity: Make HSTs for step 6 
Two out of three with progress on the third isn't bad for a busy week.  I'm hoping for a lot more sewing time this week.  Fingers crossed that actually happens.

To Do List for Week of 9/7/2021

Cabins and Fans: Start borders

Cabins and Fans, self designed

The two halves did get stitched together.  I'll need to trim up the edges and cut the strips for the first black border.  There will be a very narrow green border after that, with a wider black border to finish the quilt off.  

Scrappy Butterflies:  Make more Irish Chain Blocks

Scrappy Butterflies
Block is available in EQ 8 Block Library

I didn't add any blocks to the design wall this week, but there are a couple in progress over at the sewing machine. I'm still trying to decide where each butterfly block fits in the layout.  

Macaron Mystery:  Start on step 3

I was really hoping to finish a few more quilts before I started on this mystery. This will be my first new start for 2021.  I'm still wishy washy on the fabric B.  I'm not sure it goes.  I may pull something else before I make a start on cutting the blocks.  

Unity: Make HSTs for step 6 as leaders and enders

Only 4 more blocks needed to finish off the last border in step 7.  I'm not going to finish those this week, but it feels good to be so close to finishing up this step.  

That's my list for this week.  Linking up with the Texas Quilt Gal, the new hostess for To Do Tuesday.  


  1. It all looks great. You’re making a lot of progress.

  2. I agree with you on Fabric B. It looks muddy next to the crisp clear colors of the others. On the other hand, your MM mysteries are always stunning, so who am I to doubt you?

  3. I couldn't come up with a good color combo for Macaron mystery, and it's probably a good thing that I'm not starting another new project. I really like your fabric choices - black and red can be so elegant. But you're right - fabric B might be the one in the group to switch out. I'm sure you will find something just perfect.

  4. Cabins and Fans looks awesome. The black fabric makes all the vibrant colors shine.
    Good luck with your goals for this week, Kate.

  5. I'm still in love with your Cabins and Fans and look forward to your upcoming additions to it, and I really like the butterflies and Irish chains together.
    Thank you for linking to To Do Tuesday!

  6. You've made good progress this week. Cabins and Fans is a beauty!


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