
Sunday, September 5, 2021

Stitching Stuff: Week 36 of 2021

The calendar has rolled over to September a lot sooner than I was ready for.  Just 4 months left in the year.  I can't say I'll be sorry to see the end of this year.  On a personal front, it's been a rough one at work.  Shoulder pain has kept me off the computer and out of the sewing room for days at a time. It may be time to got back to physical therapy to get that addressed.  I can't do much on the work front other than to hope it gets better by the end of this year. 

As the previous paragraph hints at, it wasn't a great week on the sewing front. A late work night coupled with the return of the shoulder pain didn't do my stitching plans any favors. 

  • 15 minute days/week = 5/7 days
  • 15 minute days/Aug = 25/31 days
  • 15 minute days/Sept = 3/4 days
  • 15 minute days/2021 = 206/247 days 

Sometimes life is just that way. I've been making steady progress on my projects, just not as much as I had hoped.  Sometimes that's as good as it gets.  

How did your stitchy week work out?

1. Julie in GA
2. karen
3. Ivani
4. Meloney
5. DonnaleeQ
6. Shasta @ High Road
7. maggie f
8. Sherrie
9. katie z.
10. Amanda
11. Quilting Gail
12. Carol @ Quilt Schmilt
13. Jennifer in Indy

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  1. Five out of seven days last week is very good, especially with the week you had. It sounds like PT would be a good idea for your shoulder. I hope work settles down and the pain does too.

  2. yes might be time to get the PT and start to feel better before it gets worse - have a good day

  3. Shoulder pain is not fun,Kate, and you have to get better before it gets worse. Take care of yourself.

  4. Praying your pain gets better. Pain is not conducive to getting much done. My hips are bothering me, so, short sitting times

  5. Am so sorry you are having so much shoulder pain--sure hope it gets better soon--take the evening off and watch the race it starts at 6 pm I think and is the first race of the play off's so should be a really good one--
    Just take a deep breathe and just breathe--
    I am thinking of you--hugs, di

  6. I’m sorry to hear your shoulder is hurting again. Time to take care of yourself. We so often forget that self care is something we need to choose.

  7. Remember at the end of 2020 when we couldn’t wait for that awful year to be over so we could get back to normal in 2021? And now here we are rounding the corner into the 4th quarter of 2021 and I’m thinking the same thing…. Sorry to hear about your shoulder pain and work troubles. I hope that each of those issues resolves for you. I'm wishing you nothing but warm fuzzies and LOTS of happy quilting in September!

  8. I'm hoping that regular massages keep me away from the physio, my massage therapist disappeared for a few months during covid came back and then her father got sick, She is back consulting again and I hope she is back for good now as it is the only thing that keeps my body working. I'm sorry your shoulder is still giving you issues hopefully you can find a fix soon, sorry work is not getting any better again.

  9. I sure feel for you with the shoulder pain. I had my left shoulder repaired (severed ligaments and a torn rotator cuff) a couple of years ago. My right shoulder isn’t bad enough (same type of damage) to require surgery. The doctor just says to learn to live with the pain. So I’ve had to do just that! I do hope physio will help yours. It’s pretty rough trying to work through pain like that. As you say though, progress on the sewing front has been good. Well done.

  10. It is crazy how quickly this year has gone and the end always flies! Please do go back to physical therapy for your shoulder - physical health is so good for mental health! I've struggled with hip pain this year because of the excessive sitting and love my PT who knows just the stretches to have me do to make it all more bearable. Hope that you're able to have fewer late work nights and more late sewing nights this week!


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