
Sunday, August 8, 2021

Stitching Stuff: Week 32 of 2021

The first week of August is already over. By the end of this week, August will be half over.  The second half of the year really does pass at light speed.  I missed posting last week.  The intention was there, but moving the Scientist in Training took a lot more time and effort than we'd planned for. I just didn't have time to sit down with the computer and write a blog post.  The last couple of weeks have been spent babying my shoulder and hanging with family.  My stitching time metrics certainly show that I wasn't in the sewing room. 

  • 15 minute days/week = 4/7 days
  • 15 minute days/July = 23/31 days
  • 15 minute days/2021 = 182/219
  • Success rate = 83.11%

I'm off target on my stitching time goal. I did better this week than last week. Hopefully I'll get back on track with 7/7 days next week and can quickly work my success rate back over 85%.  

How did you do this week on working in some stitching time? 

1. Ivani
2. karen
3. maggie f
4. Julie in GA
5. Meloney
6. DonnaleeQ
7. Sherrie
8. Andree at Quilting & Learning
9. DawnyK
10. Amanda
11. Quilting Gail

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  1. It is incredible that there are only about 140 days ahead for Christmas. Time is the same but seems to pass faster than ever.

  2. I probably put in four hours a day on stitching/knitting including my time in the evening at the quilting frame. I hope your shoulder will heal up soon those issues can really get in the way can't they.

  3. You are so right, Kate, time is just flying by. I, too, missed last week due to being overwhelmed with life. It's been such an interesting time to be alive. Wishing you some easier time soon, maybe even for the 2nd half of August!!!

  4. Hope you are all safe and the move went without to many difficulties but sounds like that may not be the case. Fingers crossed that your shoulder is holding up.

  5. I hope life settles down and your shoulder is feeling better so you can get back to regular quilting time.


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