
Friday, July 2, 2021

Photo Challenge Week 1

This is a non-quilting post (mostly), so if you are only interested in the quilty stuff you can stop reading now. If you like photographs, you should stick around.   My other hobby, the one that I share with My Guy, is photography.  I'll add a few non-quilt photos here and there, but I've really been neglecting my photography, much to the sadness of My Guy.  He really enjoys it when we are both out taking photos. So for Father's Day one of his gifts was this deck of cards.

The plan is to pull a new idea card each Friday after dinner.  And we each have till dinner the next Friday to come up with a photograph that meets the challenge.  The Scientist in Training will play along as she can (school regularly throws a wrench into her free time activities).   

Week #1 Challenge (6/25/2021)

I really hate photos of myself, so this was a really hard challenge for me.  

I'm hoping the brilliant colors of Cabins and Fans are a bigger pull in the photo than I am. 

What do you think of My Guy's submission?

Maybe a bit creepy?  Definitely different, which was his goal. 

The Scientist in Training does selfies all the time.  

She's showing off her rainbow heart shirt that she embroidered herself.  

My Guy drew the card for this week just after dinner this evening. 

Week #2 Challenge (7/2/2021)

Hmm, I'm going to need to think about that one a bit.  Next week's photos should be entertaining, but possibly pretty creepy too.  


  1. It's lovely to see you, Kate, and that is a wonderful draw for the first post.

  2. I will DEFINITELY come back to see the next one!!!

  3. I love being able to put a face with the voice (your blog). Great gift for DH.

  4. I am so glad to have a face to go with your name, Kate.
    Great photos.

  5. I can not take a decent selfie for anything!! Nice to see who you are :)

  6. Hello, Kate! What a fun challenge to do with your family! The variety of selfies was neat - of course, yours should be with a quilt project. I'll enjoy seeing what you come up with for next week.

  7. Well, it’s great seeing all of you there. It’s always nice to have a picture of someone in your mind’s eye. I like this idea. I tried doing it on our “rainbirds” journey last winter, and then kind of let it fall by the wayside. Death is a hard one. Dead flowers come to mind.

  8. Those photo cards are a great idea - I might have to look into them. I need to get to know my camera more and get comfortable being out and about with it. I really like the photo of you! It's really nice. Your hubby's makes me chuckle, and SIT's photo is fun to see as well! Death -- boy, I'd have to think on that one too.

  9. What a fantastic Idea!! and all of your participating! I love it!
    First - you are gorgeous - but add that quilt in there and so cool
    His eyes.... weird - but I love the perspective
    And SIT - the rainbow heart - she is a comedian.. ( or scientist hahaha!!)Love her embroidery!!!

  10. Nice to "see" you. I always look awful in photos and I've yet to take a selfie I wold publish. Next week will be interesting.

  11. What a fantastic family activity! It's great to see a photo of you and have a face to put with the words. Your guy's photo--definitely cool but creepy too. I look forward to following along with your photo adventures!

  12. What a great family activity! I love all three self portraits! I hope you continue posting these weekly challenges, it's fun to see.

  13. plants that have died in the heat? tombstones? a fly you finally smashed? do you need more ideas?

  14. So so so fun! I love the card game and will enjoy seeing your photographs as long as you post them! Your scientist looks like you!
    Way to go posting up your self portrait, I really really love the quilt on the wall behind it.
    Sorry to tell you this, but I give your husband the winning badge this week. His photo was so creative!

  15. Hullo Kate, it is nice to see your face :-)

  16. Love the self portraits, and your daughter’s embroidered shirt is great! Can’t wait to see what you came up with next!


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