
Monday, June 7, 2021

Getting Back on Track

The two day weekend went really quickly.  The Scientist in Training was home, but had a wedding to attend and a sleep over with the high school buddies, so we didn't see much of her.  Between errands and a nasty sinus headache, I didn't get in  as much sewing time as I would have liked.  I turned the first corner on stitching down the binding on Grassy Creek. 

I had hoped to have a finish this weekend, but I didn't get in much stitching time during the week.  I'm hoping for more progress on that front this week. 

Row three of the Cabin quilt is done. 

Cabins and Fans, self designed

The first two blocks for row four are in progress.  I had to stop and cut more sashing strips. The plan is to get row 3 sashed to the rest and get a good bit done on assembling row 4.  

Linking up with Monday Making and Monday Design Wall.  Enjoy your stitching time this week.  


  1. Any progress is good progress. Sorry about the headache.

  2. That backing is really perfect for Grassy Creek! Glad you're started on the binding. I already love the look of your cabins and fans quilt - it's going to be beautiful!

  3. Oh wow!!! Cabins and fans is just coming along together so micely!!!

  4. I just love those Cabin/Fan blocks. They just POP with the bright colors on black. Love the design too!

  5. A little progress is always good. The fans just jump out at ya!

  6. Whew! I'm SEW glad to hear that you were able to find some time for quilting, Kate. Pretty progress and a soon-to-be-completed quilt!

  7. Headaches are no fun. I hope you have a healthy and lovely week.

  8. Sorry to hear about the headache. The cabin quilt is looking amazing!

  9. Hi,
    I'm doing a binding myself...doing it by machine would be a lot easier, but I enjoy the hand binding. Love your Cabins and pretty, It will be beautiful when finished. Have a great day!

  10. Hi Kate, I really love your Cabins and Fans. It's a great look. Take care.

  11. Cabins and Fans is looking terrific. Sorry you were suffering over the weekend. I suppose it went away just in time to go to work on Monday. There's always next weekend. Hope you can squeeze some sewing time this week.


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