
Sunday, May 2, 2021

Stitching Time: Week 18 of 2021

It was definitely Spring this week.  No more freezing temperatures in the mornings, I only needed a light sweater to head out the door to work.  So the weather has been nice, but work hasn't been.  There were several late nights last week and that definitely affected my stitching time for the week.

  • 15 minute days/week = 4/7 days
  • 15 minute days/April = 23/30 days
  • 15 minute days/May = 1/1 days
  • 15 minute days/2021 = 111/121
  • Success rate = 91.74%  
April hasn't been a good month for stitching time, I didn't hit 7 days of stitching any week this last month.  Unfortunately May doesn't look like it's going to be any better.  My goal is to maintain a success rate of at least 85%.  I set the bar a bit low because it's so hard to know how much other things in life will impact my sewing time.  Hopefully once we get past May, things will slow down a bit at work.

On the brighter side, the warm up has resulted in lots of pretty blooms. 

The roses are just starting to bloom. It's been nice to see the first rays of the sun light them up in the morning.  

The honeysuckle is blooming too.  Unfortunately all the blooming stuff is playing havoc with my allergies, so I've not been outside all that much. Admiring through the window is going to have to suffice for the next week or so. 

So how did your stitchy week work out?   

1. Chrisknits
2. Julie in GA
3. maggie f
4. Diann@LittlePenguinQuilts
5. Ivani
6. karen
7. SaraF
8. DonnaleeQ
9. DawnyK
10. Quilting Gail
11. Amanda
12. Carol Andrews
13. Dq at Dreamworthyquilts

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  1. So sorry to hear that long hours at work are cutting into your quilting time. I hope it settles down soon. Love the flower photos!

  2. Your roses are beautiful! I hope May is kind to you on the work front, and you get more stitching time! I'm joining in this week, too, since my life has gotten a bit busier with my mom living here. It helps to have a little bit of sewing time to look forward to!

  3. Hope you get more time to stitch, when I worked this was my dream. Enjoy the better temperatures and flowers. Have a great week.

  4. sounds like long hours are interfering with your life!

  5. Hope you get more sewing time in May - or time to do whatever you really want. April saw the most sewing time for me in ages, but we'll see how May shapes up. My work hours have dropped dramatically, which is OK with me except for the smaller paychecks.

  6. Gorgeous photos. It’s so nice when things start waking up in spring. Glad you got some nice weather.

  7. I am right there with you on so many topics: working hard, allergies & admiring flowers thru the window.

  8. Yay for better weather boo for allergies. Lots of pretty flowers. I only have geraniums at the moment, the garden is looking a bit meh I'm afraid. I wanted to put something other than pansies in for winter/spring but the garden shops aren't supplying much variety at the moment. Hopefully work will ease off a bit this month for you.

  9. Such lovely photos. If only those pretty flowers didn’t kick allergies in to full gear


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