
Sunday, March 21, 2021

Stitching Time: Week 12 of 2021

The calendar says yesterday was the first day of spring.  This week was cold and damp not very spring like. But that made it a lot easier to work in the stitching time last week. 

  • 15 minute days/week = 7/7 days
  • 15 minute days/Mar = 20/20 days
  • 15 minute days/2021 = 77/79
  • Success rate = 97.47%
It's been a productive year so far, I've only missed two sewing days and we are more than half way done with the month.  It hasn't been too hard to find stitching time this year. We are still limiting our activities and mostly staying home except for work and an occasional bit of necessary shopping. Once things open back up again, it may get a bit harder to stitch every day.  My Guy has "itchy feet" as his mother used to say. He's ready to do some travel once things are mostly back to normal.  

How did your stitching go this week?  

1. Chrisknits
2. Julie in GA
3. Chris in Canada
4. Shasta @ High Road
5. Sherrie
6. Marti
7. Dq at Dreamworthyquilts
8. Quilting Gail
9. Amanda
10. Carol Andrews

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  1. I have itchy feet as well and I have a feeling I will be running around a lot more just browsing in stores for awhile (with my mask on) until I get used to freedom again - I think we will be eating out a bit too - I am so tired of my cooking!!

  2. We have good weather here for the first day of spring. It was raining earlier in the week. It does make it more difficult, since there is yard work and spring cleaning to do, but since it is National Quilting Day and National Quilting month, I kept doing that instead!

  3. Maybe I've got itchy feet too. I am having trouble staying on task with things lately. Have both of you had both shots already? I've only had one and Hubby hasn't had either. I told him to write down care giver in his application to get priority. I depend on him to be able to do just about everything now so it's no lie.

    Congratulations on your success rate. I bet you find a way to stitch every day even when things open up and you can go places again.

  4. Hope the normal came back soon as vaccination grows. Take care and be healthy.

  5. It feels good to see light at the end of the tunnel with virus vaccinations increasing. Itchy Feet can certainly be said of most people I am sure. We quilters keep busy though during these long "Stay at Home" recommendations.

  6. Life is pretty much back to normal down here apart from the QR code checkin. They are doing age 70+ now for vaccines. I think my hubby and I will be in the next group to get them, hopefully the rollout will quicken once they can produce it here which has started and will probably ramp up now most of the European Countries have blocks the export to us.

  7. Itchy feet is a good way to describe it. I wasn't expecting it from my hermit-leaning husband, but I think his feet are itchier than mine! I'm impressed that you've only missed a few days of stitching time so far this year!


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