
Tuesday, January 5, 2021

To Do Tuesday for Week of 01/05/2021

The last week was really good on the stitching front.  There was lots of time to hang out in the sewing room and get things done. There was really good progress on last week's To Do List. 

Weekly To Do List For 12/29/2020

  • Daisy Chain: Finish binding 
  • Grassy Creek: Start clue 5 and 6, work on older clues 
  • Unity: Continue to work on clues 6 and 7 
  • Red, White and Blue Stars: Make Backing 

It's a really good week that includes a quilt finish and finishing a backing for another.  A great end to 2020 and a good start on that first finish for 2021.  I'm back at work, so there definitely won't be as much time to sew, but the goal is always to just keep projects moving.  

Weekly To Do List for 01/05/2021

Red, White and Blue Stars:  Clean up top and backing for quilting

My One Monthly Goal is to get this project sent out for quilting. The back clean up should go fast, the top always goes a lot slower, but thankfully RWB Stars is a small quilt.  

Grassy Creek: Start clue 7, continue to work on previous clues

Clue 2 is missing from the photo, but I've finished all of those hour glass blocks and the gray/white flying geese are all done too. I'm only making half the blocks to start. All the pieces are cut for the these steps, they just need to be sewn together.  I'm looking forward to seeing how all these pieces go together.  Think this week's clue will be assembling a block?  

Morewood Mystery: Start the January clue. 

The previous clues are all done. I'm looking forward to seeing what's next for this mystery.  I have all month to finish this clue, so just getting started on it is the plan for this week. 

Unity:  Continue to work on clues 6 and 7

I've only finished one full block for those two clues. Those HSTs take a bit to make, especially when you are working on Grassy Creek at the same time.  Unity is the leaders and enders project at the moment, so it's slow going, but it is moving along.  

Progress is the goal, so even if I don't check any off the list as long as projects keep moving it's good.  Linking up with Home Sewn By Us for To Do Tuesday


  1. Wow you have been really productive! I love the colors you chose for your blocks! Have a great day!

  2. You're making great progress on each project, Kate! I'm always curious about the blocks for the BH mysteries - they're usually quite intricate and interesting!

  3. How do you keep everything straight? When I have more than 1 project going anxiety sets in.

  4. You’re working on a lot of pretty projects.

  5. Plenty of beauty to keep you motivated. I'm also thinking of doing a solid piece for that grey clue for Grassy Creek. So it was nice to see how good your pieces look. I was thinking the string piecing would look great, but it might cause me to go nuts. :-)

  6. Moving forward, making progress, is good. You have some good projects in the works!

  7. I love the blues in the Morewood Mystery. You've got a lot going on. Good luck with everything.

  8. Hi Kate! Four checkmarks mean great work no matter the reason. What a nice way to finish off the year, especially one like 2020. Each time I see a new clue for Grassy Creek I think it looks hard! I can't wait to see where all these pieces go, too. Several friends are playing along - it is definitely a mystery. Morewood fabrics are sure pretty - I love that swirly tone-on-tone white fabrics. Unity - is that a BH mystery quilt, too? Any progress you make this week will be fab - it seems like you have plenty of time for Morewood. Thanks for linking up today. ~smile~ Roseanne

  9. You are working on a lot of projects, pretty and great production going on.

  10. Coming along nicely! Happy stitching and have a great week!

  11. Of course I'm always going to head to your blog when I see a Unity block - I still looooove those colors! You are so productive, I'm amazed at all that goodness. :)

  12. So many projects! But I know you will make progress on all.

  13. Great week with progress on them all!


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