
Tuesday, January 12, 2021

To Do Tuesday for 01/12/2021

What a difference a week can make. Back to work last week was really, really tiring. Consequently, spending time in the sewing room was more than I could do a couple of nights last week. The To Do List didn't suffer too badly thankfully. 

Weekly To Do List for 01/05/2021

  • RWB Stars: Prep back and front for quilting - Progress
  • Grassy Creek:  Start Clue 7, continue to work on other clues
  • Morewood Mystery: Start on the January clue 
  • Unity: Continue to work on clues 6 and 7 
Three out of four, with progress on the fourth is a pretty good week. The goals for this week won't look much different. 

Weekly To Do List for 01/12/2021

RWB Stars: Clean up and press quilt top

The back was pressed and cleaned up last week. De-threading and pressing the back of the quilt top is my least favorite quilting step, but if I want a finished quilt, it's necessary. 

Grassy Creek: Work on step 7 and continue with unfinished steps

Bonnie Hunter revealed this year's mystery quilt last Friday.  I haven't finished a full block or any of the sashing pieces yet.  I'm still piecing some of the component parts, but I'm getting close to having all those done so I can focus on working up the blocks.  

Morewood Mystery: Continue to work on the January Clue

These blocks are relatively simple 9 patches, so hopefully these will stitch up quickly.  The next clue for this mystery won't come out till February, so I've got time to work on these blocks.  

Unity: Continue to work on clues 6 and 7

Each block for step 7 needs 8 HSTs. I'm not making the block that Bonnie used in her version of Unity so I don't think it matters that I'm showing the HST size.  It's going to take a bit to finish these blocks since the HSTs for this project are my leaders and enders project for the moment.  

That's the plan for this week. It's pretty much the same as last week.  I'd really like to get Grassy Creek to finished quilt top in the next couple of weeks.  That would let me focus on some of the older quilts on my UFO List.  Unity is going to take a bit more effort to get to that point, but it's my current leaders and enders project so it will likely be slow and steady progress unless I bump it up in the priority order.  

Linking up with Home Sewn by Us for To Do Tuesday.  


  1. You did great on last week's list, and you are smart to keep your goals on the list for the next week reasonable. Much more likely to succeed that way.

  2. Best of luck on additional progress this week, Kate!

  3. Forward progress, and reaching those fun goals - like sending a quilt to be quilted. I plan to go out today to the quilt shop and see if I can find a backing for Unity.

  4. Love your new blog header! You are always such an inspiration when it comes to cleaning up the backside of the quilt top before quilting. I think of you every time I do it! Looks you're making good progress on each of your current projects.

  5. Good luck with the Grassy Creek blocks and Morewood blocks.
    Sew Kate sew!

  6. I'm going to try very hard not to comment again on how much I love your Grassy Creek. ;)
    Boy the backs of your blocks look neat!
    Is that a new header? I was just thinking this morning I might add a header to my blog. I love yours.

  7. I'd say you did quite well on your list, despite being tired from going back to work! I agree that the header is a nice look!

  8. Hi,
    Great job on your list...good luck with
    next week's list. Have a great day!

  9. Hi Kate! Hey, you updated your website! It looks nice. I'll miss the dresses quilt - I always marveled and enjoyed it. Boy howdy, I hear you on being tired from going to work last week. Egad. No sewing happened for me during the week last week (or this week so far, for that matter). I still have to go see what BH's mystery quilt looks like. You are doing great at keeping this project moving along, and all of them. Thanks for linking up today. ~smile~ Roseanne

  10. Love your new header! The bright green you are using in Grassy Creek makes me smile every time--and I'm not really a bright green person :)

  11. Sew busy! I'm almost finished with the center design on Grassy Creek. I'll put it aside for awhile before I get to the borders. I've been thinking of making the Unity quilt but I have a list of other projects. So many projects and so little time.

  12. I had to back to work too, and get so tired, as you are. You did well with your list, great job!

  13. Amazing that you can keep to a schedule with a job, I can't keep to mine and I don't work! LOL


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