
Tuesday, October 6, 2020

To Do Tuesday for Week of 10/6/2020

Even with a nothing but stitching day over the weekend, I didn't get to everything on last week's to do list.  So it's not just having the time to stitch, but the priority you put on each project.  Checking off three out of the four is still a pretty good week.  

Weekly To Do List for 9/29/2020

  • Storm at Sea: Make binding
  • Red, White & Blue Stars: begin sashing blocks
  • Unity: Make HSTs and blocks for Step 4
  • Morewood Mystery: Start October clue - no progress
I really wanted to get the binding stitched onto Storm at Sea, so that was the priority to do last week.  Making a duel fabric binding wasn't on my radar  when I was making out the to do list and it turned out to be a lot more time consuming than making a traditional binding. So getting a start on the October clue for the Morewood mystery will just have to go back on this week's list.  

Weekly To Do List for 10/6/2020

Storm at Sea: Hand stitch the binding to the back

I've turned one corner, but still have three more to go. SAS is a big quilt, something like 96" x 114", so it's going to take a bit to get all that binding stitched down.  The plan is work on it a bit every day, if it doesn't get done, that's OK.  Progress is the goal for this week. 

Red, White and Blue Stars: Continue sashing blocks

Red, White and Blue Stars: Setting self designed

I put the first sashing sections up on the design wall with the blocks. The strips aren't sewn to the blocks yet, so they will narrow down just a bit once that happens. I'm liking it so far. I don't think I'll get all the blocks sashed and stitched together. That's OK, the goal is progress on this project too. 

Morewood Mystery: Start the October clue

I have the whole month to play with this pretty blue and gold print.  The goal for this week is to at least get the fabrics cut.  

Unity: Make HSTs and blocks for Step 4

Unity, 2020 Bonnie Hunter Sew-In-Place Quilt Along

Just need one more block to finish border three of clue 4.  That should happen this week.  Bonnie Hunter usually releases her first clue for the yearly mystery just after Thanksgiving. That gives me just under two months to move Unity along to finished quilt top. Probably not going to happen, but I can decide to just stop after any given clue.  

That's my list for this week.  Linking up with Home Sewn by Us for the Weekly To Do List.  


  1. I rarely make Bonnie's mystery quilts - in fact I think I have only done one of them - I will need to think about it this year and see if I want to

  2. Hi Kate! Spending those last hours tacking down the binding on SaS is just the best part to me. I say enjoy it - you'll soon have it on your bed and will be snuggling underneath it. I love the slue thin stripe between each of your stars. Very cool looking! The Morewood Mystery clue just barely came out, so you have plenty of time to play with that pretty blue and gold print. Finally, I adore your version of Unity. I wonder what her next mystery quilt will be?! I doubt I'll be playing along but seem to follow many who do. Thank you for linking up this week! ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. Your sashing on the R/W/B stars looks really great. Much more interesting that just a single sashing strip. Great plan!

  4. Wow...I’d say you’ve made great progress on all fronts.

  5. Why you are just a buzzin along on those quilts--one in nearing the final finish line--one is discovering how it wants to be added to and one is new and very willing to be used in the newest project and Unity is --just so pretty and coming into it's own!!!!
    luv, di

  6. I watch Bonnie's quilt alongs and admire those sewing along. She clips along at much too fast a pace for me, but her quilts are always pretty. You've had a good week; here's to another!

  7. I love closing binding. I'm looking forward to seeing your Storm at Sea all done and finished.
    You seem to have loads going on as always. LOL

  8. Three out of four goals attained last week isn't bad, Kate. I'd say that it's really good! Best of luck for this week.

  9. Progress is progress! Storm at Sea is nearly done! That a big hooray! Good luck next week!’s all good!

  10. Unity and RWB Stars are both looking great! I know how you feel about hand stitching the binding on a big quilt. It does feel like a never-ending process, until suddenly one day it's done!

  11. I enjoy hand stitching binding, I find it very relaxing. I also like to do it when I'm doing something else, like a boring virtual meeting or watching tv. That's a beautiful blue and gold print!!

  12. Love the two color binding!! Good luck with all your projects!


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