
Sunday, October 18, 2020

Stitching Stuff: Week 42 of 2020

 The work week wasn't horrible, but getting back to the office on Monday after a few days of vacation wasn't fun.  Thankfully, only one late night to play catch up.  So it didn't greatly affect my ability to work in my 15 minutes every day this week. How did you do at finding a few minutes to stitch each day this week?

It was a good week for stitching, there was about an hour of stitching most nights. 

  • 15 minute days/week = 7/7 days
  • 15 minute days/October = 17/17 days
  • 15 minute days/2020 = 261/291
  • Success rate = 89.69%
I'm on track to meet my stitching time goal this year. It may be the only goal I meet.  Keeping up with the stitching time has helped moved projects along this year.  Even though I'm probably not going to get all the finishes I'd hoped for, there has been good progress so far and there are still a few more weeks in the year. 

Just 15 minutes is enough time to pin a few things

Then I can stitch them the next night. There are three different projects in those pinned piles. 

I've also been working in some hand stitching on Storm at Sea. I just stitched down corner number 4.

I've got one last side to stitch down. I'm hoping to have a finish before the end of the weekend. Linking up with Kathy's Quilts for Slow Stitching Sunday

How are you doing at working in a bit of stitching time each day?  Even 15 minutes a day can make a big difference in how much progress there is on your WIPs each week.  

1. Julie in GA
2. karen
3. Chrisknits
4. Shasta @ High Road
5. Amanda
6. Quilting Gail
7. Loulee (Manxgirl)

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  1. I am loving your red, white and blue pretty. Isn't it fabulous you have been finding time every day in which to stitch.

  2. I really have to take up that 15 minutes of stitching per day philosophy. I am sure that I waste more than that on the computer each day when I could be relaxing and making progress on my projects at the same time. I love all the items that you have in progress. I am looking forward to seeing how each one turns out.

  3. My husband and I gather in front of the TV at 3 most days to catch up with each other and that's when I do things like pairing, pinning, finger pressing, and trimming dog ears. It's a great way to coast into the end of the day.

  4. I probably averaged at least 15 minutes per day over the whole week. But there were a couple of days that it just didn't happen. I'm loving that pieced sashing and look forward to seeing the whole quilt as you finish.

  5. Can’t wait to see your SAS. Looking good. I love it when a post starts with, “The week wasn’t horrible...” Not exactly a rousing endorsement for the week. It’s in keeping with my “nobody died” rule though.

  6. I love your photo of the Storm at Sea binding! Such appealing colors. You'll have it finished any minute!

  7. 15 minutes can certainly add up, whether it is planning, sorting, stitching or knitting! Somedays we just can't sit and stitch for a longer time, however much we would like to.

  8. I am glad you had a good stitching week. I love the radiating star and the paisley fabric you are using for the sashing. Looks like you have made tremendous progress on a bunch of stuff.

  9. I hate binding, most of my quilts are big so it is always a lot of work to get the binding stitched down and I don't like the look of machining the binding down. All the work is worth it in the end especially when you get that last stitch done. I have to admit to having not much quilting mojo at the moment, still finding plenty of other things to fill my 15 minutes just not patchwork/quilting. I think I will go to class this week that should help.

  10. You are making great progress. I love binding quilts.
    I am pleased to say that after making no promises I did manage to get get in small amounts of stitching for six out of seven days. Yay!


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