
Tuesday, September 8, 2020

To Do Tuesday for the Week of 09/08/2020

 Hope everyone in the US had a good holiday weekend.  I took Friday off, so it's that much harder to head back to work this morning. We took it slow this weekend. The Scientist in Training has a pretty hard semester this fall, so she slept a lot and then had homework.  This is her only break till Thanksgiving. The school moved Fall Break to the week of Thanksgiving, so she has that whole week off. That seems so far off but it will be here before you know it. 

Having a four day weekend helped with getting through last week's To Do List.

  • Daisy Chain: Add tan and black borders
  • Morewood Mystery: Start Sept. Clue
  • Frolic: Decide on backing
  • Unity: Continue working on Clue 4

Four out of four is a pretty good week. I'll have to work the rest of the week, so I probably need to be selective about what goes on this week's list. 

Frolic: Piece the backing

This yardage has been in the stash for awhile. It's the right color to go with the quilt top.  Now to figure out what direction the stripes will go, up and down or side to side.  

Morewood Mystery: Continue making clue 2 HSTs

Not sure if this quilt will have pinwheels or not, but both colors would make nice ones.  

Unity:  Make HSTs and blocks for Step 4

I need to cut some more background triangles before I can make many more of the friendship star blocks.  Thankfully, these block are going much faster then step 3 blocks went.   

2019 Christmas Mystery: Press and prep back for quilting

The plan is to have this project ready to go out for quilting before Storm at Sea comes back from being quilted.  That should be doable if I get going on the prep.  

Those are my plans for this week.  Linking up with Home Sewn by Us for To Do Tuesday.  Hope you have a great stitchy week.  


  1. I'd say you had a very good week, not just pretty good! You are making excellent progress on multiple projects.
    Love that blue backing fabric--beautiful color!

  2. You have some interesting projects in the works! Lately, I’m a Bonnie Hunter Mystery lurker, not a doer! The backing for Frolic is stunning! Anxious to see that one done! And your Christmas mystery! I love Christmas fabrics! Have a great week!

  3. I bet it was nice to have the four days off and visit with the daughter a bit - I remember always missing my girls back in that time period - many years ago!

  4. It's always hard to go back to work on Tuesday after a long weekend - but hope you have a good week, and get in some sewing time, too!

  5. It amazes me how well you are able to select fabrics for your mystery quilt projects without knowing what the design looks like ahead of time! I especially love that vintage looking dainty holly print for your Christmas project. Have a great week!

  6. Hi Katie! Those two extra days really can make a dent in your to-do list, right?! I gave myself the easiest list possible so I had three checkmarks, while you had actual project and nailed them. I like the backing you selected for Frolic - I can just picture it matching perfectly. The Morewood fabrics are so lovely. That blue with the flowers kind of reminds me of clouds when it is cut into smaller pieces. Thanks so much for linking up this week. ~smile~ Roseanne

  7. Good plans!!! you have a lot of fun projects!

  8. Yay for all the check marks for the week. The holiday weekend did go by fast but was a very good break. I think your stitching plans will keep you very busy in the sewing room, all good.

  9. You've had a good week once again! Hope SIT's fall quarter goes well for her.

  10. You faired better than I did! But I am going forward - hopefully! Have a great week!

  11. Yay for a great week! Now here's to another good one. Love the backing for Frolic!

  12. You are so organized, which makes you productive!! I love your pinwheel fabric choices. Especially that blue! Your Christmas mystery fabrics for the back are fun...I love that holly!! :)


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