
Monday, September 28, 2020

Not a Lot of Stitching Going On

 It was a long weekend for us. We took Friday off so we could get some things done around the house. We had an appointment with a locksmith in the morning to fix two doors with broken locks. In the afternoon it was the heating and air guy to check the furnaces for any CO leaks or other issues to ensure we can safely run the furnaces when it finally gets that cold.  There was some house cleaning and other necessary activities going on as well. Then the Scientist in Training made an appearance.  She's just finished her first round of tests and came home to relax and hang out.  There was as trip to Tulsa to get necessary items we can't get here in town and on Sunday an early birthday celebration for My Guy.  So it was a busy weekend with less stitching time than normal. 

I finished the September Clue of the Morewood Mystery

The October clue should come out Thursday. So I'm caught up for the moment.  

My Guy and the SIT have requested Halloween themed face masks to wear next month.  

Mask pattern from Laundry Basket Quilts 

I made a start on those.  The dancing skeletons is pretty fun, that one is for My Guy. The spider webs are for the SIT and I.  

That's it on the stitching front for this last week.  Linking up with Monday Making and Design Wall Monday.  


  1. the dancing skeleton's are cute, I didn't see any like that when I was searching for a fat quarter package of Halloween fabric last month. I gave all of the Halloween masks to my daughter yesterday and she loved them.

  2. There's an advantage to getting all those appointments done in a day or two, rather than spreading them over a couple of weeks. Fun masks! The blue fabric in the HSTs looks so rich.

  3. I really like the pace of Cheryl's mystery quilts, it's nice that you are caught up and ready for the next set of instructions. Fun prints to use for October / Halloween, and I hope that your husband has a very nice birthday!

  4. Your doing great with the Morewood Mystery. Love the Halloween masks. We have about 8 masks each for hubby and I and find some weeks we need to wash them mid-week. It might be time to make a few more masks. It must be satisfying to get a lot of house things done. Happy Birthday to your guy!

  5. Halloween masks are a great idea. I might have to do that!

  6. I've had requests from the granddaughters for Halloween masks too since the boys all got spider masks in the first set. I'm intrigued by the blue/purple blocks you have going. Looks like a beautiful combination.

  7. you are so ahead of the game on the house prep.... I keep thinking winter will never come.. sigh. LOVE the masks - too fun!!

    glad you had the SIT home for a bit - its always great to see them!!

  8. Non-exciting household necessities and chores don't compare to the pleasure of stitching time! Hope you get some more this week. Cute masks. I wonder where my Halloween fabric is?

  9. I see that you have started new quilts since I was last online. So cute! I love the dancing skeletons too! Sounds like you had a busy weekend, but if you are like me, any time the daughter comes home to spend time, quilting can go to the back burner.

  10. Love the dancing skeletons. My husband informs me that Maestro is going to a Halloween party and he needs a costume I told him he had better not leave it till last minute like last year with me searching Amazon for express shipping. I'm looking forward to a long weekend next weekend looking forward to relaxing.

  11. Your HSTs look great and I love the Halloween masks. I need to see if I have any Halloween fabric to make some.


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