
Monday, August 24, 2020

Random Stitchy Stuff

The weather has been beautiful.  Typically we've had a couple of weeks of scorching hot days by this time.   But that didn't happen this year. It's also been a lot wetter than normal, everything is still green. Normally the fields and yards are mostly brown by this point in the summer.  There is a downside to all this lovely weather, the allergens are a lot higher than normal. So my sinuses haven't been happy.  Thankfully I'm not miserable, I'm just not operating at 100%.  

In spite of the the allergy issues, I did get in a good bit of sewing room time.  But all I have to show for Saturday is the pile of threads in the trash can.  

It took pretty much all afternoon and most of the evening on Saturday to finish cleaning up the back of the Storm at Sea quilt.  But that's done.  I should get it shipped out to Trudy sometime this week. 

Up next was picking border fabrics for Daisy Chain.  I've got it down to two options.  My favorite is the red and black.  

My Guy and the Scientist in Training like the black and tan.  

I'm still contemplating both options. Maybe the red is too bold and distracts from the quilt?  

I decided to let the subconscious dwell on the options for Daisy Chain and moved on to piecing the backing for the 2019 Christmas Mystery quilt. I pulled some yardage I'd like to move out of the stash. 

After playing in EQ for a bit, a backing design that uses four of the prints came together. I've made a start on cutting the pieces, but didn't get to the sewing part.  

So not a lot of stitching this weekend, but three projects are that much closer to finished. I'm happy with that.  Linking up with Monday Making and Design Wall Monday.  


  1. Looks like you had a very productive weekend. I'm no help on a border decision for Daisy Chain--both of your options look good to me!

  2. allergies have been an issue here for me too - really bothering me this morning! I like that paisley print

  3. i'm living on claritan - Using eq for a design back - is something I wouldn't have thought about -

  4. Sorry for the allergies - but yay for the green!! I like the tan too - I don't know why - that one just popped at me.... hmmm what will you decide!!

  5. Well, I love bright color, so I like the red. I have a pile of thread like that too, only my trash was arm’s length away, and most of it ended up on the floor.

  6. We've had a very hot and humid summer, with temps at about 100 today expected. And my allergies are also getting me down. So I didn't leave the house yesterday at all. Both border options are pretty but I'm partial to the red.

  7. I think both options for the border work well, but I also love the bold pop of red. I hope you have a lovely week!

  8. Scorching hot here in Colorado - you could send some of that moisture our way! Looks like tough border decisions for you, but Daisy Chain is going to be beautiful no matter what!

  9. Letting the border choices brew for a bit is a good idea. You'll know when you know. I'm a bit drawn to the red, as it makes the blocks shine, but the tan would work too.

  10. I like the red for the border, but if you haven't prewashed your fabric, make sure you use lots of color catchers when you wash it. So exciting to see Storm at Sea go off to the quilter.

  11. Now me-I do like the red--I want a quilt that wakes me up and makes me want to look it over!!
    I woke up in a panic this morning--
    thinking that I had not sewed a stitch yesterday--
    then remembered I had spent a couple hours early morning doing counted cross stitching and that was using a 'needle' so I breathed deep and smiled and went back to sleep!!!
    luv, di

  12. I like both, but think the red pops more. So it's all in what you want the thinner border to do for the quilt. Pop or recede?

  13. I like the bold red inner border -- what can I say, I'm a fan of red! I'm looking forward to the backing you designed. I hate piecing backings but I do it when I have to! (But I do buy wide backs frequently!)

  14. Little bits of progress on several projects sounds good to me, Kate! Good luck choosing between those border options. Your quilt, your rules. I will say that the good thing about the black and tan borders is that they would look great with a red binding! :o))

  15. Hooray for getting the top cleaned up for quilting! I am partial to the gold over the red, but they both look good - no bad choice to be made. Hope the weather stays nice for you this week - we have some summer heat but then another cool down over the weekend - can’t wait to sleep with the windows open again!

  16. I like the red on the Daisy Chain border, but both look good.

  17. Cannot see the entire quilt, but maybe the tan would set it off better than the red. Looks like this will be a pretty quilt when finished!

  18. The allergens are running amok here in Maine. I lost an entire day of sewing because I was so sneezy and drippy. I like the red and black border just a little better, but they are both great :)


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