
Monday, August 3, 2020

Christmas in August

In these days of social distancing, weekends have become pretty predictable.  The Scientist in Training has been home most weekends, it's the only human contact she gets.  It's been a pretty lonely summer for her. We've tackled a few home improvement projects. My Guy redid the dryer vent as we discovered mice were getting into the house that way (no mice since, so that worked).  

I took Saturday as a nothing but play on the computer and in the sewing room day.  There was a good bit of sewing, but there was also a good bit of sewing room clean up too. The clean up is still a work in progress, but now I can at least walk into the fabric closet. Replacing the closet light did wonders for visibility. I vacuumed and put away all the fabrics that got drug out as candidates for masks. I'm in the progress of putting away all the Christmas fabrics as I finally got the borders on the 2019 Christmas Mystery quilt. 

 2019 Christmas Mystery
designed by Carrie Randall (Quilter's Hideaway)

The poinsettia fabric worked really well as the border.  It needs a back, but I still haven't dealt with the backing for the Storm at Sea quilt, so it will just have to wait till that is done. 

There was also really good progress on Unity. 

 Unity, 2020 Bonnie Hunter Sew-In-Place Quilt Along

The third border is finished and attached. Just 8 more sawtooth stars to finish to have step three done.  I may actually get to step 4 later this week.  

That was my weekend in the sewing room.  Linking up with Monday Making, Monday Design Wall and Main Crush Monday.  


  1. don't you hate it when mice find a way in - for us this year it has been the year of ants! as soon as I think I have gotten rid of them I find them in another place and more bait has to be put out

  2. Looks like progress!! Once the wedding and vacation are over I need to reassess the QALs I did back in march and finish the piecing or put the blocks together. Looks like I will have quite a few UFOs for my 2021 list. LOL

  3. Great progress. I love both quilts. You got a lot done!

  4. Always a good thing to spend time with fabric and thread! It’s never ending cleanup in my sewing room, for sure.

  5. It sounds like that was just what you needed!! and look at all those pretties!! I love that Christmas is something to think about now... I like it!!

  6. Your Christmas quilt looks really good and puts one in the mood for the holidays!!
    and once in awhile we do have to just stop the 'train' and get off and clean our spaces!!
    Tell the SIT that she is not alone in being alone--
    lots of us seniors are in the same place--
    luv, di
    and the race was a battle between Denny and Brad this week and Brad actually won--his 3rd time this year--where as Denny has 5 wins and Harvick has 4!!! Poor Kyle Bush--has no wins what so ever and only one stage win this season and this week on lap 18 he crashed and was out of the race! right here where I am--hardly any rain from the hurricane and barely no wind either!!!

  7. Congrats on getting a border on your adorable Christmas quilt, Kate! Nice progress on your Unity quilt, too. Glad that you even managed a bit of cleaning and organizing, as that seems to be SEW good for allowing creativity to emerge!

  8. Your Christmas quilt is so much fun! Your Unity quilt is gorgeous. You can find strange things in dryer vents. We had a bird's nest.

  9. Some lovely progress made. It's always good to have little tidy up now and then, not too much though. Your storm at sea is looking great, I'm off out tomorrow to shop for a similr project.

  10. Your top looks great and the border is perfect! Nice to have your daughter home for weekends and hope things improve for her as the semester starts. My kids are missing friends a lot so even a virtual return to school will be better than no interaction. Hope you have a good week!

  11. Wow, you've made great progress on two big projects!! Your Christmas quilt is beautiful and fun!! Keep at it!!! :)

  12. Love how the CHristmas mystery turned out... such a fun quilt!

  13. Better light helps so much! Glad you were able to change the light in your fabric closet!

  14. I think the poinsettia fabric is perfect as a border! Dark and rich. I feel bad for the SIT. Hanging with friends is such an important thing for people her age. Hang in there!


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