
Sunday, April 26, 2020

Week 17 of 2020: Stitching Stuff

It's been a busy week on the work front, but I got one big project finished. That felt really good.  Unfortunately my day off turned into just a half day off, but I still got to spend some extra time in the sewing room on Friday.  How hard was it for you to get in your 15 minutes of stitching time this week? 

I ended up working late one night this week, but still managed to get in my 15 minutes of stitching time before heading to bed.

15 minute days/week = 7/7 days
15 minute days/April = 24/25 days
15 minute days/2020 = 106/116 days
Success rate = 91.38%

My success rate is well over 85%, so finding time to stitch has been going really well. It helps that we haven't been going anywhere.  

My late work night produced a bit of progress on the butterfly embroidery project.  

Not a lot of visible progress on stitching in the wing details but there is just a bit.  Hopefully I'll get back to the hand work later this week.  Linking up for Slow Stitching Sunday over at Kathy's Quilts

On one of my stretch the leg walks through the house this week, I saw this beauty just outside the dining room window.

It was raining cats and dogs that day, but the roses didn't seem to mind.  

That was my week, a lot of work, a bit of stitching and some raindrops on roses.  How did you do  at finding at least 15 minutes to stitch each day last week?  Link up below to share how successful your efforts were. 

1. Chrisknits
2. karen
3. maggie f
4. Julie in GA
5. Meloney
6. Chocolate Chip Cookie Eating Nana
7. Marti
8. katie z.
9. DawnyK
10. Loulee (Manxgirl)
11. Amanda
12. Quilting Gail
13. Deana

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  1. Your butterfly is looking lovely...nice work
    ~ ~ ~ waving on another gray day Julierose

  2. Gorgeous photo! I also love your butterfly!

  3. Lovely rose, and your butterfly is coming along! Happy Stitching!

  4. You have interesting projects on the go and I love the different fabrics you choose. Colourful which is what we need these days, I think. No roses in my garden yet and no butterflies, but soon!

  5. I didn't do as well as you getting in 15 minutes every day. Sorry you didn't get a whole day off. I had two days off instead of three but spent them painting and staining doors.

    I'm curious to see how big your butterfly project is. Do I see another one behind it?

  6. I've been sewing a lot, working from home with my laptop next to the sewing machine! Love your butterfly work and the photo of the rose. Here's to more time with needle and thread!

  7. What a beautiful picture! I love walks in the rain. Your butterfly looks great!

  8. Good for you to keep stitching regularly!

  9. A work project here hit a big milestones as well. So nice to have an accomplishment. Well done on the stitching everyday, it is easier now that we have settled in to not going anywhere. Hubby has pulled out some cooking skills to make some dishes that we may have eaten a less healthy version out before. I'm so glad he's helping with that. Enjoy the slow stitching!!!

  10. I'm still getting lots of time in the sewing room, just wish I was getting more knitting done right now.

  11. I didn't do well this year, but that is okay, I had a good run. Congrats on a great week of stitching.

  12. Your butterfly is making progress.
    I started a new project today, just so that I would have something to work on, for my 15 mins before work each day. Back to 5 days a week with some of the restrictions easing here in NZ. I was enjoying the extra sewing time. LOL

  13. We had heavy rain over the weekend. We saw my BIL and he has a rain gauge and said we got 30ml which is pretty significant There is more rain to come and according to the news last night it is the wettest April for 10 years.
    I really love your butterflies and I miss having roses in the garden, I have to make do with geraniums.
    I've just got back from a nice walk to the beach where Mo did a major download of the first day back at school, guidelines have changed and students don't have to social distance at school but most of them were in class anyway.

  14. Love your daily blog! I haven't been spit in for 15 minutes a day, but your photos are just the inspiration I needed to kick start my sewing again! Thank you!


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