
Sunday, February 23, 2020

Week 8 of 2020: Stitching Stuff

It was a long, cold week. Montana was oh so pretty, but oh so cold. I was glad to get home to slightly warmer weather and my sewing room.  Finding time to stitch each day didn't work out so well for me.  Were you able to find those 15 minutes to stitch each day?

My week was one where the best laid plans for last week didn't pan out.  My embroidery wouldn't fit in the suitcase once I'd packed my steel toed boots and my FRC.  Turns out it wouldn't have mattered anyway, we didn't get back to the hotel till after 8 PM each night and were out the door by 6:30 AM each morning.  So there wasn't any stitching going on during my out of town trip.  So not the best week in the sewing room, but not the worst week either. 

15 minute days/week = 4/7 days
15 minute days/February = 18/22 days
15 minute days 2020 = 47/53 days
Success rate = 88.68%

I'm still on track with my goal of stitching at least 85% of the time, so my trip didn't derail me too badly.  I'm home this week, with a day off on Friday. So I have plans to make up at least the time even though I can't make up the days.   

How did you do at finding 15 minutes or more to stitch during the last week?  

1. Julie in GA
2. Chrisknits
3. Marti
4. karen
5. DawnyK
6. Meloney
7. Loulee
8. Deana
9. Angie in SoCal
10. Amanda
11. Shasta @ High Road
12. Christina's Handicrafts

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  1. Wow, those were some long days you were working! Too bad it cut into your stitching days, but your numbers are still in good shape.

  2. I hope they gave you time to eat during those hours away! Did the Montana weather make you appreciate your home weather more? lol

  3. Bummer! I'm sorry it didn't work out more providentially for your stitching. It sounds like a long, hard week...I bet you were glad to be home! I have a bit of family in Montana. It's beautiful, but hard country! I hope you have a great week!! :)

  4. didn't know you were in Montana - yes I bet it is cold but it is such a pretty state!

  5. It's always tough sewing when traveling for work. The days just seem longer than any others. Take it easy this week! Well done keeping your overall goal.

  6. I didn't meet my goal of 15 mins before work each day, but I did sew every day.
    Hope your plans work out better for you this week.

  7. Sorry about the cold and not being able to get any stitching done. Hopefully next week slows down and you get some more done.

  8. I hope you enjoyed Montana even though it was cold. Too bad your embroidery didn't fit in your bag. You must have had a pretty tight bag.

  9. My schedule the last few weeks has been crazy, which has meant not much time for stitching. I am always optimistic when I head out for a business trip that I will have lots of stitching time, but it never quite works out that way!


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