
Sunday, January 26, 2020

Week 4 of 2020: Stitching Stuff

I was definitely ready for a weekend.  The work week seemed really long. Why? Maybe because of the winter weather, maybe because My Guy was sick or maybe it was because it was week full of meetings.  I definitely needed some sanity stitching this week!  

A few evenings all I managed was 15 minutes, but that's the goal.  

15 minute days/week = 7/7 days
15 minute days/January = 25/25 days
15 minute days/2020 = 25/25 days
Success rate = 100%

I'm off to a good start on my stitching time goals for 2020.  Unfortunately, I've got a business trip starting on Monday.  I'll miss a couple of days of stitching.  My success rate goal for 2020 is 85%, which was a good choice. I've got business trips in February and at least two more in March.  Hopefully the travel will slow down once I get to second quarter.  

How are you doing at working in a bit of stitching time each day? 

1. karen
2. Marti
3. Julie in GA
4. Meloney
5. Jocelyn and Those Pesky Dresden Circles :)
6. Chrisknits
7. Loulee (Manxgirl)
8. DawnyK
9. Amanda
10. Rachel
11. Carol Andrews
12. Shasta @ High Road Quilter
13. Angie in SoCal
14. Quilting Gail
15. Quilting & Learning - What a Combo!
16. Deana

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  1. Sorry your guy is sick. This is the weather for it. Warm, cold, pollen. Hope he feels better soon.

    Nothing makes time slow to a crawl like meetings; I don't miss those at all. Maybe you can take some hand work on your trip and get in some stitching. Be safe!

  2. Like you, work will get in the way for me occasionally, but so far I'm happy with my achievements focusing on 15 mins before work each day. It is a very nice way to start a busy day.

  3. How wonderful that you've been able to keep up with the stitching. Hope your work trips are successful! I'll be delayed by my own work trip in the next 2 months. Good luck!

  4. Hope your guy is better soon. I woke up this morning with a scratchy throat I'm hoping it isn't something brewing. Traveling for work is very tiring, my boss keeps complaining that he is getting too old for it and I think he has a couple of trips early this year too. Hope you get some down time for some stitching.

  5. Too bad that those business trips interfere with your sewing time, but nice that you’ve kept up! Hope your guy is feeling better and doesn’t share with you. 🤔 Carol

  6. I am glad you have been able to find sanity stitching time so far this year!

  7. Hope that your trip goes well and you’re back in the sewing room before too long! Way to go so far.


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