
Sunday, October 6, 2019

Week 40 of 2019: Stitching Stuff

It was a long week, way too many meetings on my calendar.  I spent most of Saturday in my sewing room, so now I feel much, much better.  Fitting in time in the evenings helps, but there's nothing like having the better part of a day to sit and play with fabric.  How did your stitchy week go? 

My Guy was out of town most of the week, which made it a little easier to work in my 15 minutes each evening.  

15 minute days/week = 7/7 days
15 minute days/Sept = 30/30 days
15 minute days/Oct = 5/5 days
Success rate = 89.93%

September was a good month with stitching time every day. I doubt that will be the case in October.  There's too much stuff going on the week of October 14th. Still I'm hoping I can find a way to work in my 15 minutes most days. 

Most of my efforts this week have focused on getting Twinkle Stars assembled, so there's been no fabric out for the week. Writing a stash report just doesn't make sense when there's nothing to report.  

The weather has turned cooler here this weekend, I was out and about last weekend with the camera to take advantage of what may be our last warm weekend. 

The old fashioned roses probably won't last much longer. But they still look pretty at the moment. 

The Monarch butterflies are hurrying south.  This one stopped for lunch on our blue Boneset. 

So how did your stitching go this week?  Was it easy to fit in those 15 minutes or did you struggle with all the other stuff that just seems to magically appear, begging for you to accomplish it when all you want to do is sew? 

1. Julie in GA
2. Chrisknits
3. Meloney
4. Mary-Kay
5. DawnyK
6. Angie in SoCal
7. Angie in SoCal
8. Amanda
9. Shasta @ High Road


  1. For such a hectic week, I admire your ability to get in 15 minutes of stitching time every day. Color me SEW impressed!!

  2. It seems that the days and weeks are speeding by the older I get. I thought it would be the opposite after the kids left home. I did get in three days of stitching, but again nothing worth writing a blog post about.

  3. Beautiful photos. I saw the butterflies on Instagram.

  4. A lot of my week was spent in guild activities so I had ample opportunities for sewing time! This week will see time away from home again, but hopefully stitching will happen, whether sewing or knitting.

  5. Glad you had some Saturday time in your sewing room! Your Monarch photo is wonderful! I think that one is frame-worthy. Enjoy your Sunday!

  6. I'm not up to full steam stitching but I have made in roads this week. We have a long weekend and daylight savings has started. The weather has been very warm but the last 2 days have been back to cooler weather. I'm about to tackle a stack of ironing and not the fun kind.

  7. This week was pretty easy, but Saturday was difficult. I just was so tired. Sunday was full of unpacking and making our new home more orderly.

  8. We have one Monarch fluttering around as we have tropic milkweed in the kitchen garden. Hope he flys away soon.

  9. Almost a week late reading this, but had a great weekend of sewing last weekend - I finished quilting two quilts - hooray! Hope you’ve had a good week.


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