
Sunday, August 25, 2019

Week 34 of 2019 - Stitching and Destashing

Week 34 of 2019 wasn't one of the smoothest we've ever had.  Health issues took center stage, one of which landed the Scientist in Training in the emergency room.  Poor girl caught a stomach bug the weekend before classes started back up. By Wednesday she was dehydrated and had a bad case of the shakes because she wasn't able to eat.  Thankfully after 48 hours on clear liquids, probiotics, and some sleep without the shakes she's just about back to normal.  So my stitchy week didn't really go to plan.  How about yours?

The emergency trip to see the SIT took one stitchy evening, but it wasn't too bad to find those 15 minutes the during the rest of the week.

15 minute days/week = 6/7 days
15 minute days/August = 22/24 days
15 minute days/2019 = 208/236 days
Success rate = 88.14%

So not a bad week for finding time to stitch every day.  Some of what I'm counting as stitching time is being spent on the sewing room reorganization.  Last week I partially emptied my "to be pressed pile" of washed fabrics, this week I refilled the bin with some teals that are needed to fill out that color in the fabric closet. 

Some of these fabrics are recent purchases, some have been sitting in the "to wash" pile for a while.  None were purchased this week, I actually managed to not add anything new.

Fabric out this week = 0.33 yards
Fabric out for 2019 = 35.89 yards
More fabric in than out

That's how my stitchy week went. How did your's go?

1. Julie in GA
2. Chrisknits
3. karen
4. Meloney
5. Angie in SoCal
6. Amanda
7. Busy Nana
8. Christina's Handicrafts

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  1. Feel bad that the SIT got so sick--but am glad that she had a caring mom who went to her aid--good for you!!
    I mainly get my 15 minutes in each day cause of the Inchy's--have stitched every single day this year so far---but--
    I am planning to move back to Fl on Sept 3rd--but the 'new' to me apt won't be available until Sept 9th so will be staying with a friend--so who knows if I will get to stitch each day????? And I see that "Dorian" is at sea and headed that way--just about the time I will be getting there--always something hu??
    luv, di

  2. So, Kate, when did you take up time travel? Last I checked, it was Week 34. :P

    Terrible news about the SIT being so sick! Glad to hear that she is on the mend (and that you were still able to find stitching time this past week!)

  3. My trips out of town this week took up 4 of the 7 days, so sewing was sparse, but knitting found a finish and a new start. Hope the Scientist is all better.

  4. Hope the Scientist in Training is well on the mend now stomach bugs are the worst and they can turn ugly quickly. by the end of last week I was ready to just veg all weekend. Saturday I just stayed at home, everytime some one said do you want to go somewhere I just went nope and looked busy.

  5. Awww, your poor girl. Glad she's feeling better. There's always this week, right?! :)

  6. Oh a mommas Nightmare! Glad you were able to be with her! Love the new blues

  7. That must have been a nightmare. I am so glad to hear that she is feeling better now. That is a very beautiful set of blue fabric. Wishing you a much calmer current week.


  8. Scary week for you and your daughter, and I am glad she is ok! It is always tough to be sick away from home, and college is probably the worst. Hope your heart rate is back to normal, maybe those nice blues and teals helped!

  9. Oh no! I hope the SIT is well on her way to recovery! Sewing room organization is great for the days that you don't have the time or mental energy to work on a project. I need to remember that!


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