
Sunday, August 11, 2019

Week 32 of 2019: Stitching and Stashing

You can tell it's August in Oklahoma, the storm warnings have been replaced with heat advisories on the weather app. It's been miserably hot and humid.  Definitely a good week to spend more than 15 minutes in the sewing room each evening. 

Having said that, I didn't quite manage that every night this week. 

15 minute days/week = 6/7 days
15 minute days/August = 9/10 days
15 minute days/2019 = 195/222 days
Success rate = 87.84%

Not a bad week on the stitching front. The one night I didn't sew, I read a book.  I had intended to go stitch, but got caught up in the book and just couldn't put it down.  

On the stash front, I've been stashing more than using.  We visited a quilt shop on Friday and the owner is going to retire in the near future, so she's begun putting all her fabric on sale.  I didn't go wild, but there was a bit that came home with me.

Fabric out this week = 0.26 yards
Fabric out for 2019 = 35.48 yards
More fabric in than out

There's still a chance that I'll end the year with more out than in, but that chance is dwindling.  I'm OK with that, I've at least cut way back on stash enhancements compared with last year.  

In addition to stitching this week, I've been playing with my new camera lens.  My Guy brought home flowers from the farmers market.  They were very bright and pretty. 

That was my week.  So how did your stitchy week work out? 

1. karen
2. Meloney
3. Julie in GA
4. Amanda
5. Christina's Handicrafts

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  1. love those flowers. Hot as can be here too and the summer had overall been nice now so hot and humid I've barely been outside.

  2. Love the color in the flower photo...When I first saw it I thought it was gorgeous fabric and I wanted some .lol

  3. It's hard to leave wonderful fabric at a wonderful price. Love the flowers. soooo pretty.

  4. I'll send you some of our cold. We have had a front come up from Antartica there has been snow in some parts of the country, not in Adelaide but its been cold and miserable for over a week. Was watching a footy match on Friday night and snow started falling, all these AFL players in sleeveless jerseys looking blue waiting for the ball to bounce so that could get moving and warm up. The flowers are lovely.

  5. Your flower photo is GORGEOUS! Very professional. Beautiful quilt palette inspiration, too.

  6. Sounds like a good week, and it is always nice to get wrapped up in a good book! I had another good week of cross-stitch with a finish on Sunday morning - hooray!

  7. Did he mess up? Those flowers mean he is really sorry. Hope you kissed and made up :-)

  8. Your camera lens is amazing! The flowers are crisp, clear and colorful. I understand missing a day because of a good book, I hope you found more time this past week to keep reading.


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