
Sunday, July 14, 2019

Week 28 of 2019: Stitching Stuff

It's been a busy week that went incredibly fast.  Unfortunately there was enough going on that getting into my sewing room didn't go so smoothly.  Finding 15 minutes to stitch each day was definitely a challenge. Hopefully your week was more productive on that front. 

Work came home one night, so it was hard to work in some stitching time while working to meet a deadline.  Consequently, it wasn't a perfect week on the sewing front. 

15 minute days/week = 6/7 days
15 minute days/July = 12/13 days
15 minute days/2019 = 170/194 days
Success rate = 87.63%

Not a bad week, but not a stellar one either.  There was no fabric usage this week, I did lots of cutting and playing in the stash closet, but nothing made it into a finished block, so I'm passing on the stash report this week.  I promised a photo of the fabrics that came home with me last week, so here's that:  

Really cool and pretty fabrics for a chemistry person don't you think?  I love the periodic table fabric, but the colorful beakers and flasks are a really close second. When the Scientist in Training got a glimpse, her response was, "So when do I get this quilt?".  I didn't even think to look which fabric line(s) these were from , so if you want to know the source, leave a comment and I'll email you that info.  

One other reason for the poor showing on the fabric usage front is that this week was our 27th wedding anniversary.  My Guy and I took each other out for a 7 course dinner on Friday coupled with an overnight stay in a new hotel that's opened in downtown Tulsa.  (The dinner featured wine pairings with each course, needless to say that hour drive home just wasn't wise).  To top that off, I got flowers.  Which of course meant that I had to play with the new macro lens.  

Here's a better view of the bouquet. 

Yellow roses are my favorite and were in my bridal bouquet. My Guy did well didn't he?  

That was how my 28th week of 2019 went. How did your stitchy week go?  You can link up below and share adventures with needle, thread and fabric.

1. Chrisknits
2. Pack Rat With a Plan
3. karen
4. Meloney
5. Shasta
6. Amanda
7. Christina's Handicrafts
8. Deana


  1. what a pretty bouquet! happy anniversary and my you have many more - I've got 20 years on you so it can happen!

  2. I was back to 7 of 7, but this week will be hairy, so who knows how it will fair.

  3. With everything you had going on, I'm amazed that you got 6 out of 7 days. Way to go! Lovely flowers too, and I love the macro shot. Happy anniversary!

  4. You are doing fine with your daily stitching with all the other things going and coming along in your life--
    Love those roses and wow--7 courses--I admire you both for being able to do that-and stay in a new Hotel--how fun!!!
    luv, di

  5. Happy Anniversary! Taking the time to celebrate is worth a little demerit on your sewing stats!

  6. Happy Wedding Anniversary and hubby did a good job on the flowers.

  7. I would say that 6 of 7 days sewing is definitely a success! I'm always excited when I get one day! LOL CONGRATS on your anniversary! Your celebration sounds like it was a lot of fun, and the flowers are gorgeous. I always like to hear when couples celebrate their time together, keeping a marriage strong is hard work and you deserve to celebrate!

  8. Happy Happy Anniversary!! and Wow - that fabric is cool! I can see what SIT expected something - ha ha

  9. Congratulations on your anniversary!

    I would love to get the name of the chemistry fabric. My BiL is a medical physicist, so he would get a kick out of it!

  10. Happy Anniversary! The roses are beautiful!

  11. Your science fabric is so fun, unique, and perfect! It evil be fun to see what you do with it.
    Happy anniversary!

  12. Awesome fabrics and lovely flowers - happy anniversary!


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