
Monday, July 1, 2019

Never Ending Borders?

It will be a short week with the 4th of July holiday coming up on Thursday.  I'm taking Wednesday and Friday off.  The plan for Wednesday is a solo quilt retreat in my sewing room.  I'm hoping to finish off the borders for Vintage Dresses.  

 Vintage Dresses
Charise Randell

All that's left to do is add the top and bottom final white borders.  I've got a potential backing picked out, but I need to confirm there is sufficient yardage.  That should happen on Wednesday, if not before.  

Borders always take so much time.  There's not been much other stitching.  Though I did throw the Wild and Goosey blocks up on the design wall to see how those were coming along.

Modified Wild and Goosey
Based on Bonnie Hunter's pattern in Addicted to Scraps

Not a lot of progress. These are labor intensive blocks, so really slow going on this project.  The red and yellow bloks pop nicely, I'm going to have to watch how dark I go on the green and blue triangles, too dark and they merge with the black.  

That's pretty much all that's been going on in my sewing room.  You can see what's been going on elsewhere at these weekly linky parties. 

Monday Design Wall
Monday Making
Main Crush Monday


  1. Ah, the vintage dresses quilt is nearly finished. Good on you! I love that quilt. Thanks for linking with Design Wall Monday, I enjoy seeing your talent.

  2. Well, I can’t wait to see the vintage dresses finished. I did a quilt like that once. It was a center panel with 17 borders around it. One of the borders was paper-pieced tulips. It took forever.

  3. Hooray for a long weekend coming up! Borders always feel like a slow process to me, too - but so worth that careful time when you finish them. Vintage dresses is going to be a gorgeous quilt!

  4. Time Intensive but AMAZING!!! Have fun!!!

  5. Yeah, I'm okay with one border, maybe two but any more and I get stir crazy! Good for you for this almost finish. I'm so looking forward to seeing it Kate!

  6. Even little bits of progress add up! When I was working full-time, those minutes helped save my sanity. I like what you're doing with these multiple borders. :-)

  7. Here's hoping your Personal Sewing Retreat works for you on Wednesday! Enjoy your (much needed) break.

  8. Looks like progress is being made. I love those flying geese!

  9. I love the progressively darker borders on dresses! Great choice! But yes, borders always feel like they take *forever* to me!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.


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