
Friday, June 7, 2019

The June To Do List

Wow, already one week into June!  Since we were in Colorado the first few days, it's taken a bit to get back into the groove at home  The Scientist in Training headed back to school last night. So the house feels pretty empty.  I've been playing catch up with work stuff, so there hasn't been much computer or sewing time since we got back.  I hadn't given much thought to this month's quilty to do list or to what is June's One Monthly Goal.

Only two quilts have come off the quilt plan for the year.  Next on that list is Christmas Angels.

Christmas Angels
Pattern by Kate

It's back from quilting, so it just needs to be bound.  That's definitely my June One Monthly Goal

But there's some other things that should really be on the to do list.  Number 4 on the 2019 Quilt Plan is Vintage Dresses.  I stopped at 4 of the 6 borders that were planned, trying to decide if it needs the last two or if I should just stop.  It's getting pretty big with just the 4.  Sorry no photos on the progress for this one.  I'm hoping to make a decision on the borders and get the backing made so this project can go out for quilting before the end of the month. 

Two new projects have been started this year and to finish off my PHD, both should be finished by years end.  The first is Storm at Sea.  It's all sewn together and I've started working on the pieced border blocks. Here's the current plan.  

 Storm at Sea
Paper Piecing Class by Carrie Randell (Quilter's Hideaway)

I'm hoping to get the pieced border completed on this project before the end of June.  

The second new project is the Daisy Chain Mystery.

Daisy Chain Mystery
2019 Little Bunny Quilts Mystery
by Alison of Honey, Bunny & Doll Designs

The blocks need to be sewn together and I'm going to add a couple of borders.  I'm just hoping to get all the blocks sewn together this month.  Not sure I'll get any farther than that.  I'm considering adding a border. We'll see how that plays out. 

That's enough for one month.


  1. Binding is a great goal. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck with your project!

  2. The quilts are looking great! Your mystery quilt blocks turned out beautifully.

  3. You have a great To Do list for June Kate. I'm looking forward to seeing Vintage Dresses - it's one of my favorite quilts you've made. And your storm at sea is beautiful! I love that you're making pieced borders for it.

  4. Looks like a lot of fun! Can't wait to see your finishes.

  5. You are making good progress on all the things! Good luck with your June goal.

  6. Great goals for the month of June!

  7. These are great goals for all three of your beautiful quilts. I hope you get them done and much more!

  8. Lots for you to work on this month - hope you’re able to get in lots of sewing time!


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