
Monday, June 10, 2019

Odds and Ends Stitching

It was a nice quiet weekend. The Scientist in Training is settling into her new apartment back at school.  So in one way it was just way too quiet. These days it seems we just get used to having her around and then she's gone again.  I'm aware this will get worse going forward, so I'll enjoy having her just two hours away while it lasts.  

There's not much on the design walls at the moment.  I've made a good start on the square in a square blocks for the Storm at Sea pieced border.

I need 18 of these blocks, so I'm just over one third of the way there. 

There's another border in the works for Vintage Dresses. 

The quilt looks unfinished with out the last two borders, so I'm stitching the strips for the last colored border. 

The One Monthly Goal is to get Christmas Angels bound.  The binding is made, the quilt is trimmed up and I made a start on attaching the binding. 

Only one side is sewn to the front, so three more left to go.  

It certainly seems like slow going, but one project is close to a finish and three more are close to being finished flimsies. Really not bad progress for being not quite halfway through the year.  That would suggest at least four more finishes are possible for 2019.  Fingers crossed on that becoming a reality.  Linking up with the usual Monday show and tell linkies:  Monday Making, Design Wall Monday, and Main Crush Monday.   


  1. I love the quilting on your angel stars quilt! It's so fun and destive wthout being overly Christmas-y!

  2. Hi Kate! I am really looking forward to seeing your dresses quilt top all finished. And being to the adding binding stage means you are very, very close to completion. Lots of goodness going on here! ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. It all looks good, Kate. That’s a pretty green you’ve used in your square in a square blocks.

  4. I know that feeling with your SIT and my own boys - you just get used to them being home again and then you have to start all over again when they leave. It looks like you're making progress on several projects - I know that's a good feeling! Those green blocks for your Storm at Sea quilt are beautiful!

  5. I'd say not bad progress either! Especially with working FT and family commitments. Love that green!

  6. Hi, Kate,
    I can't wait to see vintage dresses again!! That's one of my favorites of yours. You've accomplished a lot already. I know the empty nest feeling well. I can't say it gets better or easier but life goes on in a different way. How's that for being philosophical on a Monday!!??

  7. You're getting a lot done. If it doesn't feel like it, that's only because your efforts are spread across multiple projects rather than moving just one along more quickly!

  8. You are doing great considering all your finishes are big!!

  9. Great progress!!! Good luck on the finishes.

  10. You're making progress! the binding will be finished before you know it, And I can't wait to see vintage dresses again. We are empty nesters as well. We just had to find other ways to fill the quiet. It sure is nice when the boys come home to visit!

  11. wonderful to keep moving forward - I still miss the kids


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