
Monday, June 24, 2019

Bordering on Finishes

Yesterday was dreary and rainy.  Perfect for spending some significant time in the sewing room.  The word of the day was borders.  I'm on the last border for Vintage Dresses.  It's too big to go up on the design wall now, so no photos.  It would be nice if I was looking for backing fabric for that project by next weekend.  Storm at Sea has one border strip sewn on, with the second strip cut to size and ready to pin before stitching. 

The only non-border sewing this weekend was on the Daisy Chain Mystery quilt. 

 Daisy Chain Mystery
2019 Little Bunny Quilts Mystery
by Alison of Honey, Bunny & Doll Designs

All the rows are sewn together.  Is it a finished flimsy?  The plan was to add a couple of borders if there as enough fabric left over.  There's enough of one tan, but not of the red or the black paisley.  So would a coordinated print work?  

Here are the left overs from the fabric pull.  I like the tan, but I'm not sure about the rose print.  Since I'm working on borders for two other quilts, maybe I'll just leave this pinned up to the design wall and see how I feel about it by the end of the week.  There might be enough of the red or black paisley for a very narrow border and then end with a tan border. But there's not enough of the tan for a very wide border.   I should probably check the yardage of all the left overs to see what's possible on that front.  

Linking up with Monday Design Wall, and Monday Making.  Then I'll finish my coffee and try to get caught up with email and blog reading before heading into the office. Fingers crossed that the work crazy stuff is over and work will stay at work this week.  


  1. I too, hope the work stuff stays at work for you. Always good to keep it there.

    I like the rose print up close, but not from far away, as a border....if that makes any sense. You got a lot accomplished this week, Thanks again for linking up with Design Wall Mondays. I always like to see your great projects.

  2. Hard to tell, it's too close for a good read. Best advice is to not focus on it, but when you are in the sewing room glance at it now and then and see if it speaks to you or not.

  3. I really like both of the fabrics you've picked out! I think you're right that maybe one of the border fabrics should have a little bit of black though -- maybe get something with more black and then use the floral for the backing or binding?

  4. FWIW, I think your floral border fabric works beautifully and the gold/tan fabric is a no brainer. I often break up a wide border (and I'm not talking cornerstones) with some extra blocks or a very small section of piano keys which brings the center out into the border in a small way. That should make a new border fabric more homogeneous.

  5. To my eye, those borders work perfectly. Happy finishing!

  6. I have heard that rain showers bring flowers. I just didn't think it would be the quilty kind :-) The stars are looking good :-)

  7. I like the idea of a double border for the mystery quilt. I like both of the fabrics you have up on the design wall.

  8. Congrats on getting the main body done tho!! thats awesome. I sorta like your borders you have picked - but since I can't see the whole thing ... I will have to trust you ( ha ha ha) So far it is beautiful!

  9. Your mystery quilt is looking great! I do like your border choices in the photo you've shown us, but as others have said, it's hard to tell without a shot of the whole quilt. Is this one of those prints that looks great up close but goes kind of muddy and looks blah from far away?

  10. No, I’m not sold on the rose print either, although I agree with a double border to set off the design. I do hope vintage dresses will be ready to quilt soon, I so look forward to updates on this quilt.

  11. I also hope that you don’t have to bring work home, that is dreadful. Well done with the mystery quilt. There is enough colour similarities that the rose print works quite well, unless of course you find something more suitable.


  12. You may have already decided by now, but I like the rose print. Great job on the borders!


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