
Monday, June 17, 2019

Bits and Pieces of Stitching

Last week was busy.  Work took over a few mornings and evenings so I could meet a project deadline.  We spent the first part of the weekend carrying our old couch into and out of  a rental truck for transport to the Scientist in Training's new apartment. The couch is 20 plus years old and after all those years of being the prime location for TV watching and sleep overs, it's showing it's age.  But the SIT gets a reduction in rent if they provide their own furniture and as she pointed out, the price is right if it's free. After wrestling the couch into it's new home, we stayed for the weekend to hang out and help out with a few odds and ends that needed to be done.  So there's not much to show on the stitching front. 

The one monthly goal is to get the binding on Christmas Angels. 

The hand stitching has almost reached the end of the first side. This quilt is 80" square, so it's not going to be a quick finish. The greens are really much brighter and prettier then shows in the photo.  They look really gray under the light in my sewing room. 

There's not much up on the design wall to look at.  I'm working on the borders for Vintage Dresses and Storm at Sea.

These parts and pieces are pinned and ready for me to get back to stitching tonight.

I'm hoping this week is better on the stitching front. Work is still going to be nuts, it's midyear review time.  Maybe I'll pencil in a sew day for next weekend, I could definitely use a sanity break.


  1. Can't wait to see your Christmas Angels finished! Do you have other quilts that are ABB -- all but binding -- right now? I have three as of this weekend.

  2. Oh how fun!! apartments!! Our first furniture was from the dark ages - ha ha!! I am with her - free is good!

  3. You have been busy! We're thinking our current couch and chairs will be handed down as well, whenever that will be. I don't envy you the lugging of the couch, but I'm sure she'll enjoy it. Hope you get a break so you can enjoy some sewing soon!

  4. Good luck with stitching this week! Life progress is something to be celebrated. Best of luck with the half-year work load.

  5. The problem with work is it gets in the way of life. Your daughter sounds like she has her head screwed on, free is good! I still think of your vintage dresses, in fact I actually bought the pattern last year. That’s as far as I got though! But there again there’s always another day :-)

  6. Would you share the name of the machine quilting pattern on the Christmas Angel? Thanks

  7. Good luck with your goals this week. I hope you find the time to stitch to your hearts content!

  8. I hate stitching binding. I would pay someone to do it for me if it was a service. Free is good, Maestro has decided to take my car and I'm buying a new (to me) one. We figure it will give him a couple of years then he can use it as a trade in for a better car down the track when he has saved more money.

  9. Yah for parents who help support their kids through all the stages of their lives!
    And yah for hand binding... enjoy!


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