
Monday, May 13, 2019

Not Much Stitching Going On

It was nice to sleep in my own bed last night after a long weekend of packing, moving, graduation parties and hanging out with the family.  There wasn't a lot of time for stitching with all of that going on. Before I headed out Thursday morning to help the SIT move, I finished off one more Wild and Goosey block for a total of 14 so far this year.

These little blocks take a lot of stitching to finish off just one, so it's been slow going.  I've been following along with the Rainbow Scrap Challenge colors, the first orange block is sitting on the sewing machine partially finished.  This is definitely going to be a longer term project so it's good I like how these blocks are turning out. 

I took some hand stitching to work on during the trip, but never had a chance to haul it all out.  It was easier to work on the computer this trip, so I spent my "stitching time" working on the labels for the next two quilts on the to be finished list.  My justification for calling it stitching time is that I can't finish the projects without the labels, so getting them done helps move a project along the road to completion. 

The Christmas Angels quilt is back from being quilted, so getting that label finished was the priority.  

This label is close to finished. It needs the final message added for the intended recipient and may need some tweaking at the top. 

The next quilt on the to be finished list is Vintage Dresses. I've been struggling with the label for that one.  

This is my favorite version so far. but I'm far from done tweaking on this one. 

So not a lot of playing with fabric this week, but there was progress on some of the things that have to be done before the binding goes on.  Hope your week was more productive than mine.  Linking up with Main Crush Monday, Monday Making and the Monday Design Wall.   


  1. You make the absolute BEST labels for your quilts Kate!! I always enjoy seeing what you have designed. Great job!

  2. Those are very fancy labels!
    Loving the wild and goosey blocks!

  3. Those rainbow Wild and Goosey blocks are going to make a wonderful quilt! Love your new labels, too. Happy May! It really can be a crazy time.

  4. Those labels are amazing! While you might not have gotten much sewing time in, I'm sure you were busy. Just the moving alone would be exhausting! Love the quilt blocks!

  5. If there is signature project associated with you, Kate, it has to be the vintage dresses quilt, in my opinion at least. So I am am supremely excited that it will done soon. All the RSC blocks are enticing. I agree that it is a full year's project with a few blocks/month, especially when they are paper-pieced.

  6. Your labels are just as unique and beautiful as the quilts they go on. Puts my plain muslin ones withe text only to shame, but at least I label every one.

  7. Your labels are beautiful, as always, even though the last one needs tweaking as you say. I can't wait to see the Angels quilt! Your RSC just glows, so pretty!

  8. I totally agree that label design time counts toward your 15 minutes a day of moving your projects forward. I love your design for Christmas Angels. I like your concept and layout for Vintage Dresses, but the era of the dresses on the label is inconsistent with your pieced dresses. Google clip art 1950's dresses and you'll see some great images that would be more timely.

  9. Girl ... you're way ahead of me! There's nothing going on here except for work, more work, and a lot of PT! I love the Vintage Dresses quilt ... I may be my fave! :)

  10. One of these days I will make beautiful labels!!! Yours are just stupendous!

  11. Your Wild and Goosey blocks may be time consuming, but they are oh-SEW-worth-it!!!

  12. I love your labels so much! I really like the music background for the angels.

  13. Yay for your own bed!! Love the WIld and Goosey blocks - they are so graphic!

  14. No matter how wonderful the vacation is, there is nothing like one's one bed. Those blocks are so intricate. You are doing great progress. Label designing definitely qualifies as stitching time. They are so creative!!


  15. Do you have a blog post about how you make your labels? They are wonderful!


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