
Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Daisy Chain Mystery - Block Construction

Alison (Little Bunny Quilts) has released the first step in quilt assembly process for the Daisy Chain Mystery quilt.  

I didn't get very far, but here's what's made it to the design wall so far. 

 Daisy Chain Mystery
2019 Little Bunny Quilts Mystery
by Alison of Honey, Bunny & Doll Designs

The fabrics used in this mystery were all left overs from other projects and they worked out pretty well. I'm happy with my star chains. That's part of the fun in a mystery quilt is seeing how your fabric choices worked out.  Just 10 more to make and I'll be ready for the big reveal with the next clue. 


  1. These look fabulous! I can't wait to see more!

  2. Just gorgeous!! Can't wait to see the next step.

  3. Yes, the star fabric looks great and I like the red chains.

  4. Love using leftovers, and love the diagonal lines I'm seeing...

  5. Ohh I love chains and stars! Its going to be great!

  6. Very nice, you can't go wrong with stars. I can't wait to see the other parts of the quilt top come together.

  7. Love what you have so far. Can't wait to see it finished!


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