
Sunday, April 28, 2019

Week 17 of 2019: Stitching and De-stashing

Finding time for all the things you want to do once you've managed to get through even part of the stuff you have to do or are supposed to do is tough.  Finding (taking?) those 15 minutes to play with fabric is so worth it, it adds a bit of sanity into what recently has been a packed on the go schedule with not a lot of down time.  How did you do this week at finding a bit of serenity in middle of the daily run around? 

The respiratory crud finally decide to quit tormenting me, so it was easier this week to not only fit the time to stitch, but actually feel like doing some stitching.

15 minute days/week = 7/7 days
15 minute days/April = 19/27 days
15 minute days/2019 = 105/117 days
Success rate = 89.74%

By rounding rules, I'm back to my goal of stitching 90% of the time. Hopefully, there won't be any other months like April this year. There is one more business trip planned for July, but it's only a two day one, rather than a week long one.  May will be a bit busy. Moving the Scientist in Training into an off campus apartment (I think the plan is for her and her roommate to stick it out there till they both graduate).  Hopefully that will be about it.  I'm ready for a few weekends at home to tackle a few have too chores, plus fit in a solo sewing retreat for one weekend. Hope your stitching week was a good one.  You can link up at the bottom of the post to share how your stitching week went.  

Reporting on the stash usage has been hit or miss this month. There's been a bit of stash out this month. 

Fabric out this week = 0.33 yards
Fabric out for 2019 = 19.25 yards
More out than in for 2019

I've done a good job of staying out of quilt shops and just deleting the quilt shop emails.  I keep reminding myself of all the fabric stashed away in the sewing room.  I'm going to try really hard to make even just a little dent in what's been stashed away over the last few years.  Linking up with Quiltpaintcreate for the stash report. 

How did your stitchy week go?  

1. Julie in GA
2. Marti
3. Meloney
4. Chrisknits
5. Frederique
6. Libby in TN
7. Mary-kay
8. di
9. Angie in SoCal
10. DawnyK
11. Amanda
12. Christina's Handicrafts

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  1. Finding the time for quilting is so important to our sanity, isn't it. Life just keeps getting busier, making it even more challenging. Here's hoping you continue to get in your time in the coming weeks.

  2. I wouldn't say that stitching gave me any serenity this week, but it was a distraction when I needed it. Good luck moving the SIT to an apartment. I'd offer to help, but I'm pretty useless. Glad you got over your crud. It does make a difference in wanting to do things.

  3. I thought about you and your 15-minutes as I was stitching a Tiny Tuesday block this morning. The pieces were already cut and next to the machine so it was easy to accomplish in 15 minutes!

  4. This week was hard with the tax deadline, but it feels fantastic to be DONE with that and more stitching time ahead.
    Cheers to more relaxation and stitching!

  5. Mine was hit or miss, but organizing my stash did get rid of almost 5 yards! I wasn't going to use it, so why not just get it out of the house. But also cutting for a big project helped too.

  6. I’m so glad you’re feeling better! I hope you get those much needed weekends to recover.

  7. So glad your health has improved!!! So great to reach the end of a month and get a milestone completed since I was able to press forward multiple days this week. Thanks!

  8. You've done a great job stitching on a regular basis especially with all the time away from home too. Gold stars for you.

  9. Glad you are feeling better. Moving off campus must be a big step.
    Daniel was trying to tell us he was moving out once he was on $400 a week in his job. I think he has worked out that that isn't enough to cover all his expenses and save up for a car let alone rent. I think he will be staying for a bit longer at least not until uni finishes.


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