
Sunday, April 21, 2019

Week 16 of 2019: Stitching and Destashing

Happy Easter Sunday.  We typically spend the holiday with My Guys family, but the Scientist in Training has too much school work (she's down to just two weeks left before finals) for her to get away, so we are spending the day with her.  I'll work in a bit of stitching time this afternoon, though it may just be 15 minutes. 

Unfortunately, the respiratory crud that I caught on my business trip is still hanging on, so a couple of days this week, I was in bed pretty early and missed out on my stitching time. 

15 minute days/week = 5/7 days
15 minute days/April = 12/20 days
15 minute days/2019 = 98/110 days
Success rate = 89.09%

So I'm a bit short of my goal to stitch at least 90% of the time.  Hopefully I've turned the corner on this sinus infection and will do better on finding time to stitch this week.  I knew April was going to be challenging with so much on the calendar, being sick didn't help. 

How did your stitchy week go?  

1. Julie in GA
2. Marti
3. Chrisknits
4. Mary-kay
5. Amanda
6. Angie in SoCal
7. DawnyK
8. Christina's Handicrafts

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  1. I'm sorry that crud is still hanging on. Have you tried a nasal spray? My doctor kept telling me to use it, and I finally did with my last sinus infection and it really helped. It didn't help with being tired though. The body just needs sleep to recover. I hope you feel better this week. Enjoy your day with SIT.

  2. Thinking of you today and hoping that you are feeling better--and that you all can do something special today together as it is Easter!! (and there is no races on--boring!!!)
    luv, di

  3. Oh dear, I do hope you are back to 100% soon, I mean in health, not sewing. Sewing is going to be there when you can get back to it.

  4. So sorry you are still not well. Hopefully a couple of days rest will have you recovered. Its been a lovely weekend here and the sun is out today.

  5. Hope you are feeling all better soon! Thanks for still hosting.

  6. Happy Easter and hope you had a nice visit with your daughter!


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