
Sunday, April 7, 2019

Week 14 of 2019: De-stashing and Stitching

This has been one of those weeks where the days have just flown by. Finding time for even just 15 minutes of stitching has been a challenge. 

It was close a couple of nights this week, but I did manage to fit in a bit of stitching each day.

15 minute days/week = 7/7 days
15 minute days/March = 30/31 days
15 minute days/April = 6/6 days
15 minute days/2019 = 92/96 days
Success rate = 95.83%

How did your efforts finding time to stitch go this week?

1. Julie in GA
2. Chrisknits
3. Meloney F
4. Marti
5. Shasta
6. Mary-Kay
7. DawnyK
8. Deana
9. Amanda
10. Christina's Handicrafts

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  1. Some weeks are like that, but you do seem to have a lot of them. Maybe next week will ease up a little and you'll have more time to stitch. You did really well for a busy week though.

  2. I did, even on the days I was away from home, which means lots of knitting took place!

  3. This is my first week and I'm so pleased that I've been able to do 5 of 6 days. You are doing great!

  4. Finally I got ahead at work the end of last week so I was more relaxed and less tired so got more stitching in this week. Hopefully it will continue. School holidays start at the end of the week so the break in the routine will be good.


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