
Sunday, January 13, 2019

Week 2 of 2019: Stitching and De-Stashing

It's been a good weekend to stay home.  We started the weekend with the rain, the wind and the cold.  Not as cold as it was up north, but wet and cold enough to be really miserable if you were out in it.  It did finally get cold enough to snow.  So it was definitely a good weekend to stay in and play catch up on my sewing time for the week. 

The second week of January wasn't one of my best for getting into the sewing room.  We celebrated the Scientist in Training's 20th birthday last week with a dinner out to her favorite fancy restaurant in Tulsa.  So it was late when we got home.  A second night, I came home from work with a migraine, so no sewing that evening.  So here's the damage.  

15 minutes stitching days/week = 5/7 days
15 minutes stitching days/Jan = 10/12 days
15 minutes stitching days/2019 = 10/12 days
Success rate = 83.33%

Some weeks are just that way, more to do then you can realistically get to or you just feel lousy.  It really is an achievement to find time to stitch every day.  If I don't miss any more days this month, I'll be back over 90% by the end of the month, which is my goal for the year.  Mr. Linky is waiting at the end of the post if you'd like to share how your stitching week went.  

The stash report is going better.  Nothing new in and just a bit out. 

Fabric this week = 0.81 yards
Fabric this year = 4.78 yards

So I'm off to a good start on that front.  Linking up with Quiltpaintcreate for the weekly stash report.  

I said we had snow yesterday.  It was really pretty coming down, but it didn't amount to much.

It wasn't even enough to coat the grass.  We have family in St. Louis.  They posted some pretty impressive photos on Facebook from yesterday.  Hope no one had to spend 8 hours on the highways getting home on Friday and that you are all dug out today.  

That's it for me today. I'm hoping for some good stitching time this afternoon.  Here's Mr. Linky if you'd like to share how well you did at finding time to stitch this week. 

1. Chrisknits
2. Julie in GA
3. MaryR @ Urban Quilter
4. Meloney
5. Connie
6. maggie f
7. di
8. Mary-Kay
9. Marti
10. Deana
11. DesertSky Quilting
12. Christina's Handicrafts

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  1. Hope next week is better for you on stitching. There were a few days I just wanted to lay down, but I made myself grab something and just make progress. So far I am keeping up!

  2. Life just gets in the way sometimes. In the big picture of the entire year those two days won't matter much.

  3. I love the premise of just stitching 15 minutes per day - it keeps me motivated and stitching! I don't always stitch on the same thing and sometimes is on the machine, by hand, knitting or crochet but I'm stitching my required minutes (and most time more!) per day.

    I am amazed at how well you can keep track of your stash and the amounts of fabric used. I have no idea how much I have and most of it has already been used for something else so I am just cutting off pieces to use in new projects.

  4. That weather in Saint Louis must have been pretty bad. My dd said they left work at noon but people who left at normal time were stuck in traffic for hours. She measured 9 inches in her front yard with ice under it. I'm glad it's only cold here.

    Sorry you had a migraine, those can make it hard to think, much less concentrate on anything. I hope this week is better for you. I need to spend more than 15 minutes sewing each day this week. 15 minutes is good, but it's hard to get a lot done.

  5. 5 days is still good, especially with family activities. Those always come first. =)

  6. I've probably done more sewing over the last 2 weeks than I have done in a while. Now I'm getting serious about taking note of what I am doing and when now that I am back to work.

  7. We had a nice Saturday snow in Indiana last weekend and they are threatening we will get another one today, but so far it is just rain and a little ice. Still planning to hunker down and sew even if it stays all rain!


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