
Monday, October 22, 2018

Weekend Stitching - Star-ful

We spent Saturday and Sunday relaxing with the Scientist in Training, which was pretty nice.  She headed back to college yesterday just after lunch, so it was pretty quiet in the house after that.   

I spent the afternoon trying out my new sewing table.  It is definitely more ergonomic, I was able to sew all afternoon with no aches or pains.  Though, it's going to take me a bit to get used not having a drawer on the table.  I had to think about where the wound bobbins were when the one in the machine ran out. 

The Quilting Professional from SewPerfect Tables
Right now the bobbins are in the blue bin on the lower left.  They were in drawer that was to my right.  I'm going to get another rolling cart for the right side.  I have another black polka dotted one that has 3 drawers that will fit nicely under the right side of the table. That will have to wait till I can order a replacement, because the 3 drawer cart is currently being used in my office.  

I spent most of yesterday working on the first block of the Christmas Mystery quilt being sponsored by the local quilt shop.  Nothing to show there as yet, but two of the dancing star borders did get stitched together and then added to the Inverted Star blocks. 

Inverted Star:  Center blocks by Jessica Boschem of Common Threads
available from Craftsy as a free download.  Setting by Kate

I did get the top border laid out and ready for stitching.  But had to stop and add coping strips for the two corner stars so they would fit.  I'm happy with how this one is coming along.  I'm off this Friday with plans for a solo stitching retreat.  So hopefully the last two pieced borders, plus a final white border will all get added.  Then I need to figure out what will work as the backing. 

Linking up with the usual Monday linky parties. 
Main Crush Monday
Design Wall Monday 


  1. Hopefully your week will fly by with no hiccups and Friday will be here quickly for you to have your sew day. Your table looks great. I think my machine sits too high and it makes for some cramping in the shoulders and neck. Your stars are looking great!

  2. Your quilt looks great, and the sewing space is looking pretty efficient. It makes sense to put drawers on the right. I have drawers on both sides too. I sometimes pull out the top one and set a small cutting mat/ironing mat there, and it gives me a little work table.

  3. Your new table looks great, and I'm glad it's working better for you physically! It's always interesting to get used to a new way of doing things. I love the star border on your Inverted Stars quilt!

  4. Love love love the stars. Absolutely gorgeous. The staggered stars in the border add a little bit extra oomph!!!

  5. Glad your new table is working out, and your rearranging will add to the pleasure of the new set up. The star border looks terrific.

  6. I'm glad your new table is working out for your back. Love your star design border on your quilt. I see a finish coming soon!

  7. I have a very sore shoulder and tension in my neck area, and I suspect part of it is due to my sewing table and chair combo. My chair doesn't hold it's seat position, so before I know it, I've dropped down and am sitting at all the wrong angles. Glad you found that table, I'm glad it's helping you. Hope you have time this week to really put it to work!

  8. Interesting to hear your thoughts on your table; pretty spiffy! I love (you know it) those dancing stars prancing down the sides of your quilt!

  9. Congratulations on your lovely table, a good working set up make all the difference and I'm glad it's helping you. I have a similar one only the machine is on the right. I haven't managed to get drawers to go under mine, maybe because I have dropped the table hight so much. There again at 5 ft 2 inches it means my feet can touch the floor!

  10. Great progress and so glad to read that your table is working out well!

  11. The new sewing table looks great. have you posted pictures of your sewing room .. I'd love to see how things look now.

  12. Love your sewing table! Your colorful quilt is amazing! Fun, happy!
    Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a sweet comment.
    Enjoy that new sewing area : )

  13. It looks so great! It alsways takes a minute for me to remember where I thought things should be ;-)

  14. Thanks for showing your SewPerfect table. I checked out their website and started dreaming. I'm curious....Do you use the right side for cutting and the left end for sewing/wrangling quilts? If I had a separate cutting area, I would want to have my machine on the right to leave most of the left end for the quilt or block layouts.


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