
Sunday, October 7, 2018

Week 40 of Stitching and De-stashing

October has gotten off to a calm start after the madness that was the end of September.  Finding time to get into the sewing room was a bit easier, well most days anyway.  

There were a couple of days where My Guy had to stay late at work (we drive together, so we have to leave together).  But even those evenings I got in my 15 minutes.  

15 minutes stitching days/week = 7/7 days
15 minutes stitching days/Sept = 30/30 days
15 minutes stitching days/Oct = 6/6 days
15 minutes stitching days/2018 = 262/279 days
Success rate = 93.91%

So it was a another good week on that front.  You can link up below to share how your stitching week went. 

It was even a pretty good week for stash usage. 

Fabric used this week: 1.21 yards
Fabric used in 2018: 33.96 yards
More in than out for 2018

Linking up with Quiltpaintcreate for the weekly stash report. 

Now that we are in the last quarter of the year, performance reviews at work are looming. As I reflect on what got done on the job, it's just natural to look at what got done on the stitching front and start thinking about what do I want to change up in 2019.  The participation in the 15 minute to stitch link up has been pretty steady during the year, so I'll likely keep the linky party going for next year.  But I was wondering if there were any suggestions for changes for next year's linky parties.  It would be hard for me to move the link up date, Sunday morning can usually be counted on to be my down day.  But is weekly too frequent, would monthly be better?  If you have a preference or other suggestions for the 15 minutes to stitch linky party, I'd be interested in your input. So leave me a comment after you link up this week.

1. Julie in GA
2. maggie f
3. Meloney
4. Christina's Handicrafts
5. Aileen
6. Shasta

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  1. I’m so impressed with your record. Just goes to show how much you can get done if you put your mind to it. I’m still not quilting but I’m going to apply it to my embroidery and knitting. After all, I have no excuse not to. All I have to do is remember:-)

  2. Sunday is a good day for the 15 minute link-up, and I prefer to keep doing it every week instead of monthly. I'm glad to hear that life has calmed down a bit for you.

  3. Looks like we are all thinking about 2019 already. It will be here before we know it.

  4. I like the weekly links and Sunday is a great day to review the week and plan for the next.

  5. I like the weekly links, and although I haven't participated, this past week I started trying your 15 minutes a day. I did manage 3 out of 7, including one 4-hour stint, so it was a great success considering my lack of motivation this year.

  6. I'm a proponent of the old adage, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." We are using about the same amount this year! Your sewing goals are helping to get things done. Performance goals for work, ugh. I'm sort of a proponent of one question there, too. "Am I getting the work done in a timely and efficient manner?" Yes? Check! Back to work. LOL

  7. I'm glad things are calming down for you and that you will continue the linky party. I think weekly is better than monthly because it keeps the practice going. I don't know how setting up the linky works, but wonder if you could prepare the posts ahead of time so you only have to do it once for the whole year to accommodate the busy times.


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